I propose we add an optional "sequence" field. At present a maximum of 5 challenges are displayed on the landing page.
If this field is populated, these challenges will sort ascending by whatever is in this field.
Any other challenges will sort by the existing sort order:
default_scope { order("CASE status_cd
WHEN 'running' THEN 1
WHEN 'starting_soon' THEN 2
WHEN 'completed' THEN 3
WHEN 'cancelled' THEN 4
WHEN 'draft' THEN 5
END, created_at DESC") }
I propose we add an optional "sequence" field. At present a maximum of 5 challenges are displayed on the landing page.
If this field is populated, these challenges will sort ascending by whatever is in this field.
Any other challenges will sort by the existing sort order:
@spMohanty your thoughts?