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Email preferences / email broken #314

Closed marcelsalathe closed 7 years ago

marcelsalathe commented 7 years ago

When I click on Email Preferences link in crowdAI digest email, I first get the message the email preferences link is invalid.

screen shot 2017-09-20 at 6 34 22 am

Then, once I log in, I get a "too many redirects" error.

screen shot 2017-09-20 at 6 35 46 am

If I manually go to the email preferences, then I cannot change them - if I save, I get an error, which itself looks like an error:

screen shot 2017-09-20 at 6 43 05 am

This was originally reported by an understandably frustrated user who wrote:


The email preferences link in your daily digest isn't working. It gives a "TOO MANY REDIRECTS" error in 2 different browsers.

The "save button" on your website's email preferences directs to an error webpage (code 5 0?!)

I love what you do, but that situation is on the ridiculous side. I recommend you sort it out before everyone reports your emails as spam :/

Have a good day!

scarroll32 commented 7 years ago

Link issue is fixed, the 505 issue is still open. Additional tests to be written before this ticket is closed.

Strange url generated on error

screen shot 2017-09-20 at 08 19 16
scarroll32 commented 7 years ago

505 issue is fixed.

scarroll32 commented 7 years ago
