croxton / Stash

Stash allows you to stash text and snippets of code for reuse throughout your templates.
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Error on API hook with POST request #141

Closed ThinkGraphical closed 8 years ago

ThinkGraphical commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to clear the mustash cache with a post_deploy hook. This works when i perform a GET request to the respected URL.

When using Beanstalk the post_deploy hook sends out a POST request instead of a GET request.

This results in following error:

The following errors were encountered
This form has expired. Please refresh and try again.

I was wondering if there's a way to get this working with a POST request?

croxton commented 8 years ago

That error message is coming from EE, not Mustash. EE automatically intercepts POST requests and will show that message if a valid CSRF token is not found.

What you could do is change the value to '1' in the csrf_exempt column for the Mustash API action in the exp_actions table. That should work (not tested).

ThinkGraphical commented 8 years ago

I knew it had something to do with the 'secure forms' but didn't know you could disable it specifically this way.

Thanks, it works!