Classes for SuperCollider
Instr — load resuable functions from disk, create dynamically variable architecture SynthDefs for use in Synths, Pbind/Patterns and Patches. Quarks can include Instr/ folders to share with others.
InstrBrowser — peruse and search your installed Instr
Patch — an Instr player
Player — class framework for objects that play. manages loading of resources, includes support for sound file recording and saving object state to file.
extended Spec system — extended datatypes specifications
OSCSched — schedule OSC bundles to be sent just prior to event time. revoke scheduled bundles, relocate in time, stop, change tempo
BeatSched — full featured function scheduling with same features as OSCSched
Tempo - tempo calculations and centralized control
TempoBus - maintains a control rate bus on scsynth
MultiChanRecorder — utility for recording multiple Busses to disk
SFP — SoundFilePlayer
Sample — easy to load to server, beat matching and slicing tools
StreamKrDur — play Pseq and friends at \control rate on a Bus
Stream2Trig - play Pseq and friends as rhythmic \trigs on a Bus
InstrSpawner — similar to Pbind for Instr
InstrGateSpawner — similar to Pbind for Instr