cryspen / hacl-packages

The Cryspen HACL Distribution
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bench against libb2 #458

Open msprotz opened 2 months ago

msprotz commented 2 months ago

As part of I would like to gather some data as to the relative performance of HACL*'s blake2 implementation against libb2.

To that effect, I added cmake voodoo, and a few benchmarks.

Sadly, I'm getting a segfault, and I can't debug because I don't know how to build the benchmarks with debugging info.

@franziskuskiefer can you take a look at tell me i) whether you see any issue and/or ii) how to build benchmarks in debug mode so that I can at least try to figure out what's going on?


coveralls commented 2 months ago

Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 9588066057


Totals Coverage Status
Change from base Build 9565668261: 0.0%
Covered Lines: 29403
Relevant Lines: 61085

💛 - Coveralls
franziskuskiefer commented 2 months ago

@franziskuskiefer can you take a look at tell me i) whether you see any issue and/or ii) how to build benchmarks in debug mode so that I can at least try to figure out what's going on?

There may be a symbol clash with all the blake2b names? Other than that, this should work.

There's no flag to add debug symbols for benchmarks right now. You could add one. Otherwise, just throw in a -g in the CMakeLists.txt to get them quickly.

msprotz commented 2 months ago

Ok I've just gotten segfaults on my machine, but indeed, might be symbol clashes... if the code is the same between libb2 and blake2-ref (with the exception that the former does runtime cpu detection), then it might be easier to just benchmark blake2-ref with #defines for working around the symbol conflicts (or a good old sed).

cla-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

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