cscan / vue-excel-editor

Vue2 plugin for displaying and editing the array-of-object in Excel style
MIT License
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Scroll up/down issue from 1.4 #134

Closed Helaers closed 11 months ago

Helaers commented 11 months ago

I'm having scroll issues on both Mac and Windows when upgrading to 1.4 or above. Scrolling left/right works fine (with trackpad), up/down (with trackpad or mouse) doesn't.

Sometimes it starts working (up/down) when I leave the tab open for 5min and revisit it.

My current setup is something like:

<div class="wrapper">
      // other props
       <vue-excel-column field="displayName" :label="$t('global.displayName')" sticky readonly />
       // other columns
.wrapper :deep(.table-content) {
  max-height: calc(100vh - 356px);

The :deep is needed to remove the browsers scrollbar. Given the fact that v1.4 only has some js changes, I doubt that overwriting the css is the culprit.

Rolling back to 1.3.95, it works fine again.

cscan commented 11 months ago

Push the new version 1.5.20. You could set the prop :wheelSensitivity = "1" for better experiences in Mac

Helaers commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply but unfortunately, after bumping to 1.5.20, adding the wheelSensitivity prop and setting it to several values, it still doesn't fix the scrolling issue.