csci3251-2020 / project-team-c

project-team-c created by GitHub Classroom
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Task 6: Write C code #7

Closed Jenny-Ch closed 4 years ago

Jenny-Ch commented 4 years ago

Please start to remember what you have done for C class. Or learn it anew.

Your tasks:

  1. In code.c, write a piece of very simple (yet correct) C code (e.g. Hello World, simple for loop, simple if...then...else, etc.)
  2. Set up a GitHub Action with a workflow to run the C code, referencing here:
  3. Since you didn't include anything for configure or make, you should only use this line for run:, and remove irrelevant lines -gcc code.c -o code; ./code
  4. This action will deploy your code every time there is a push (merge action) into the master branch It usually takes a while to finish, but should be just a short wait if your code is simple

Continuous Integration in GitHub is a big topic. To know more, try this yourself: