cse6250 / SepsisPrediction

This is the final project of the CSE6250. We mainly use the MIMIC-III data to predict the sepsis.
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This is the final project of the CSE6250 Big Data in health. We use the MIMIC-III data to explore sepsis prediction.


│───data     // train, validation, test data and processed data
|───mimic     // scala codes for generating SOFA timeline information
|───out     // best models and some result images
│   └───data_preprocess     // calculate onset time and subsample data
|   |
|   └───etl_data    // transform data into sequences
|   |
|   └───sepsis_prediction_lstm    // codes for LSTM model
|   |
|   └───sepsis_prediction_ml    // codes for 4 machine learning models
└───environment.yml     // environment and dependencies


Data Preprocess

  1. Download MIMIC-III database in PostgreSQL on local
  2. Run the commands in the README.md in sepsis_mimic repository to get pivoted vital data and infection_time
  3. Run the codes in the concept folder of mimic_code repository to get pivoted SOFA score
  4. Run the codes in './mimic' and generate SOFA timeline information
  5. Run get_sepsis_onset_time.py in './src/data_preprocess' to retrieve ICU stays with sepsis and corresponding onset time
  6. Run python data_preprocess.py in './src/data_preprocess' to get labeled pivoted vital data ready for model training

After data preprocess, the processed data are in the './data/sepsis/train', './data/sepsis/validation' and './data/sepsis/test'.

* We have provided the processed data in './data/sepsis', so you don't have to do the above complicated process.

Prediction models

  1. Run etl_sepsis_data.py in './src/etl_data' to construct the features sequence data for prediction models
  2. Run train_sepsis.py in './src/sepsis_prediction_ml' to run the 4 machine learning models
  3. Run train_sepsis.py in './src/sepsis_prediction_lstm' to run the deep learning models


You can see the presentation of our project on the youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZk-XtCBGZM