cta-wave / device-observation-framework

This repository contains the WAVE Device Observation Framework. The DPCTF Device Observation Framework determines pass or fail results, based on observations taken of tests which are run on a device by the DPCTF Test Runner. DPCTF is the Device Playback Compatibility Task Force of the CTA WAVE Project (https://CTA.tech/WAVE and standards@CTA.tech for more info).
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timing issue between test and OF for TV 2 in buffer-underrun-and-recovery__t2 #77

Closed jpiesing closed 6 months ago

jpiesing commented 7 months ago

TV 2 from the London plugfest fails buffer-underrun-and-recovery__t2 in the currentTime observation as follows;


FAIL: Allowed tolerance is 2 frames, 20ms. Time difference between Test Runner reported media currentTime and actual media time exceeded tolerance for following events: currentTime=0.04 time_diff=1.7976931348623157e+308; Total failure count is 1.

As far as I remember, the e+308 issue is a timing issue or race condition between the OF and the test code where the latter has not provided information when the OF is expecting it.

@yanj-github Please can you work out what information is missing and then let's have a discussion with @FritzHeiden

yanj-github commented 7 months ago

@jpiesing I need to look at the recording to be sure but I guess this is due to "at the reported current Time = 0.04 there is no presented video sample". As we are checking "presented samples matching current Time" we could change OF to ignore current time reports where no matching presented video sample, rather than fail the test.

yanj-github commented 7 months ago

Fix is now committed the main.

yanj-github commented 6 months ago

@jpiesing can it be closed please? Current Time match test is now PASS for TV2.