I'm trying trying to get scss extracted to an external stylesheet for production and I can't seem to get it to work. Any suggestions?
import appRootDir from 'app-root-dir';
import AssetsPlugin from 'assets-webpack-plugin';
import ExtractTextPlugin from 'extract-text-webpack-plugin';
import nodeExternals from 'webpack-node-externals';
import path from 'path';
import webpack from 'webpack';
import WebpackMd5Hash from 'webpack-md5-hash';
import { happyPackPlugin } from '../utils';
import { ifElse } from '../../shared/utils/logic';
import { mergeDeep } from '../../shared/utils/objects';
import { removeNil } from '../../shared/utils/arrays';
import withServiceWorker from './withServiceWorker';
import config from '../../config';
* Generates a webpack configuration for the target configuration.
* This function has been configured to support one "client/web" bundle, and any
* number of additional "node" bundles (e.g. our "server"). You can define
* additional node bundles by editing the project confuguration.
* @param {Object} buildOptions - The build options.
* @param {target} buildOptions.target - The bundle target (e.g 'clinet' || 'server').
* @param {target} buildOptions.optimize - Build an optimised version of the bundle?
* @return {Object} The webpack configuration.
export default function webpackConfigFactory(buildOptions) {
const { target, optimize = false } = buildOptions;
const isOptimize = optimize;
const isDev = !isOptimize;
const isClient = target === 'client';
const isServer = target === 'server';
const isNode = !isClient;
// Preconfigure some ifElse helper instnaces. See the util docs for more
// information on how this util works.
const ifDev = ifElse(isDev);
const ifOptimize = ifElse(isOptimize);
const ifNode = ifElse(isNode);
const ifClient = ifElse(isClient);
const ifDevClient = ifElse(isDev && isClient);
const ifOptimizeClient = ifElse(isOptimize && isClient);
console.log(`==> Creating ${isOptimize ? 'an optimised' : 'a development'} bundle configuration for the "${target}"`);
const bundleConfig = isServer || isClient
// This is either our "server" or "client" bundle.
? config(['bundles', target])
// Otherwise it must be an additional node bundle.
: config(['additionalNodeBundles', target]);
if (!bundleConfig) {
throw new Error('No bundle configuration exists for target:', target);
const localIdentName = ifDev('[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]', '[hash:base64:10]');
let webpackConfig = {
// Define our entry chunks for our bundle.
entry: {
// We name our entry files "index" as it makes it easier for us to
// import bundle output files (e.g. `import server from './build/server';`)
index: removeNil([
// Required to support hot reloading of our client.
ifDevClient(() => `webpack-hot-middleware/client?reload=true&path=http://${config('host')}:${config('clientDevServerPort')}/__webpack_hmr`),
// We are using polyfill.io instead of the very heavy babel-polyfill.
// Therefore we need to add the regenerator-runtime as polyfill.io
// doesn't support this.
// The source entry file for the bundle.
path.resolve(appRootDir.get(), bundleConfig.srcEntryFile),
// Bundle output configuration.
output: {
// The dir in which our bundle should be output.
path: path.resolve(appRootDir.get(), bundleConfig.outputPath),
// The filename format for our bundle's entries.
filename: ifOptimizeClient(
// For our production client bundles we include a hash in the filename.
// That way we won't hit any browser caching issues when our bundle
// output changes.
// Note: as we are using the WebpackMd5Hash plugin, the hashes will
// only change when the file contents change. This means we can
// set very aggressive caching strategies on our bundle output.
// For any other bundle (typically a server/node) bundle we want a
// determinable output name to allow for easier importing/execution
// of the bundle by our scripts.
// The name format for any additional chunks produced for the bundle.
chunkFilename: '[name]-[chunkhash].js',
// When targetting node we will output our bundle as a commonjs2 module.
libraryTarget: ifNode('commonjs2', 'var'),
// This is the web path under which our webpack bundled client should
// be considered as being served from.
publicPath: ifDev(
// As we run a seperate development server for our client and server
// bundles we need to use an absolute http path for the public path.
// Otherwise we expect our bundled client to be served from this path.
target: isClient
// Only our client bundle will target the web as a runtime.
? 'web'
// Any other bundle must be targetting node as a runtime.
: 'node',
// Ensure that webpack polyfills the following node features for use
// within any bundles that are targetting node as a runtime. This will be
// ignored otherwise.
node: {
__dirname: true,
__filename: true,
// Source map settings.
devtool: ifElse(
// Include source maps for ANY node bundle so that we can support
// nice stack traces for errors (the source maps get consumed by
// the `node-source-map-support` module to allow for this).
// Always include source maps for any development build.
|| isDev
// Allow for the following flag to force source maps even for production
// builds.
|| config('includeSourceMapsForOptimisedClientBundle'),
// Produces an external source map (lives next to bundle output files).
// Produces no source map.
// Performance budget feature.
// This enables checking of the output bundle size, which will result in
// warnings/errors if the bundle sizes are too large.
// We only want this enabled for our production client. Please
// see the webpack docs on how you can configure this to your own needs:
// https://webpack.js.org/configuration/performance/
performance: ifOptimizeClient(
// Enable webpack's performance hints for production client builds.
{ hints: 'warning' },
// Else we have to set a value of "false" if we don't want the feature.
resolve: {
// These extensions are tried when resolving a file.
extensions: config('bundleSrcTypes').map(ext => `.${ext}`),
// This is required for the modernizr-loader
// @see https://github.com/peerigon/modernizr-loader
alias: mergeDeep(
modernizr$: path.resolve(appRootDir.get(), './.modernizrrc'),
// For our optimised builds we will alias to the optimised versions
// of React and ReactDOM.
react$: path.resolve(
appRootDir.get(), './node_modules/react/dist/react.min.js',
'react-dom$': path.resolve(
appRootDir.get(), './node_modules/react-dom/dist/react-dom.min.js',
'react-dom/server$': path.resolve(
appRootDir.get(), './node_modules/react-dom/dist/react-dom-server.min.js',
// We don't want our node_modules to be bundled with any bundle that is
// targetting the node environment, prefering them to be resolved via
// native node module system. Therefore we use the `webpack-node-externals`
// library to help us generate an externals configuration that will
// ignore all the node_modules.
externals: removeNil([
() => nodeExternals(
// Some of our node_modules may contain files that depend on our
// webpack loaders, e.g. CSS or SASS.
// For these cases please make sure that the file extensions are
// registered within the following configuration setting.
// We always want the source-map-support included in
// our node target bundles.
// We want react bundled with our node bundles for the optimised
// builds as we are going to resolve to the optmised versions
// of react via the webpack alias configuration.
// And any items that have been whitelisted in the config need
// to be included in the bundling process too.
.concat(config('nodeExternalsFileTypeWhitelist') || []),
// We want to exclude react libraries from the client production version
/*ifOptimizeClient(() => {
return {
react: {
root: 'React',
commonjs2: 'react',
commonjs: 'react',
amd: 'react',
umd: 'react',
'react-dom': {
root: 'ReactDOM',
commonjs2: 'react-dom',
commonjs: 'react-dom',
amd: 'react-dom',
umd: 'react-dom',
plugins: removeNil([
// This grants us source map support, which combined with our webpack
// source maps will give us nice stack traces for our node executed
// bundles.
// We use the BannerPlugin to make sure all of our chunks will get the
// source maps support installed.
ifNode(() => new webpack.BannerPlugin({
banner: 'require("source-map-support").install();',
raw: true,
entryOnly: false,
// We use this so that our generated [chunkhash]'s are only different if
// the content for our respective chunks have changed. This optimises
// our long term browser caching strategy for our client bundle, avoiding
// cases where browsers end up having to download all the client chunks
// even though 1 or 2 may have only changed.
ifClient(() => new WebpackMd5Hash()),
// These are special flags that you can use in your code in order to
// have advanced control over what is included/excluded in your bundles.
// For example you may only want certain parts of your code to be
// included/ran under certain conditions.
// The DefinePlugin is used by webpack to substitute any code
// that matches the property keys of the object you provide it below with
// the given value that has been assigned to each respective property.
// For example you may have the following in your code:
// if (process.env.BUILD_FLAG_IS_CLIENT === true) {
// console.log('Foo');
// }
// If the BUILD_FLAG_IS_CLIENT was assigned a value of `false` the above
// code would be converted to the following by the webpack bundling
// process:
// if (false === true) {
// console.log('Foo');
// }
// When your bundle is built using the UglifyJsPlugin unreachable code
// blocks like in the example above will be removed from the bundle
// final output. This is helpful for extreme cases where you want to
// ensure that code is only included/executed on specific targets, or for
// doing debugging.
// NOTE: You may be used to having to do NODE_ENV = production here to
// get optimized React/ReactDOM builds. Almost every blog and example
// will tell you to do this. I have decided against this model as it
// often confused me when I was passing custom NODE_ENV values
// such as "staging" / "test" to my scripts. Therefore to avoid any
// confusion we instead use the webpack alias feature to target the
// pre-optimised dist versions of React/ReactDOM when required.
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
// Is this the "client" bundle?
'process.env.BUILD_FLAG_IS_CLIENT': JSON.stringify(isClient),
// Is this the "server" bundle?
'process.env.BUILD_FLAG_IS_SERVER': JSON.stringify(isServer),
// Is this a node bundle?
'process.env.BUILD_FLAG_IS_NODE': JSON.stringify(isNode),
// Is this a development build?
'process.env.BUILD_FLAG_IS_DEV': JSON.stringify(isDev),
// Generates a JSON file containing a map of all the output files for
// our webpack bundle. A necessisty for our server rendering process
// as we need to interogate these files in order to know what JS/CSS
// we need to inject into our HTML. We only need to know the assets for
// our client bundle.
ifClient(() =>
new AssetsPlugin({
filename: config('bundleAssetsFileName'),
path: path.resolve(appRootDir.get(), bundleConfig.outputPath),
// We don't want webpack errors to occur during development as it will
// kill our dev servers.
ifDev(() => new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin()),
// We need this plugin to enable hot reloading of our client.
ifDevClient(() => new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()),
// For our production client we need to make sure we pass the required
// configuration to ensure that the output is minimized/optimized.
() => new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
minimize: true,
// For our production client we need to make sure we pass the required
// configuration to ensure that the output is minimized/optimized.
() => new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
sourceMap: config('includeSourceMapsForOptimisedClientBundle'),
compress: {
screw_ie8: true,
warnings: false,
mangle: {
screw_ie8: true,
output: {
comments: false,
screw_ie8: true,
// For the production build of the client we need to extract the CSS into
// CSS files.
() => new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: '[name]-[chunkhash].css',
allChunks: true,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// @see https://github.com/amireh/happypack/
// HappyPack allows us to use threads to execute our loaders. This means
// that we can get parallel execution of our loaders, significantly
// improving build and recompile times.
// This may not be an issue for you whilst your project is small, but
// the compile times can be signficant when the project scales. A lengthy
// compile time can significantly impare your development experience.
// Therefore we employ HappyPack to do threaded execution of our
// "heavy-weight" loaders.
// HappyPack 'javascript' instance.
name: 'happypack-javascript',
// We will use babel to do all our JS processing.
loaders: [{
path: 'babel-loader',
// We will create a babel config and pass it through the plugin
// defined in the project configuration, allowing additional
// items to be added.
query: config('plugins.babelConfig')(
// Our "standard" babel config.
// We need to ensure that we do this otherwise the babelrc will
// get interpretted and for the current configuration this will mean
// that it will kill our webpack treeshaking feature as the modules
// transpilation has not been disabled within in.
babelrc: false,
presets: [
// For our client bundles we transpile all the latest ratified
// ES201X code into ES5, safe for browsers. We exclude module
// transilation as webpack takes care of this for us, doing
// tree shaking in the process.
ifClient(['latest', { es2015: { modules: false } }]),
// For a node bundle we use the awesome babel-preset-env which
// acts like babel-preset-latest in that it supports the latest
// ratified ES201X syntax, however, it will only transpile what
// is necessary for a target environment. We have configured it
// to target our current node version. This is cool because
// recent node versions have extensive support for ES201X syntax.
// Also, we have disabled modules transpilation as webpack will
// take care of that for us ensuring tree shaking takes place.
// NOTE: Make sure you use the same node version for development
// and production.
ifNode(['env', { targets: { node: true }, modules: false }]),
// Stage 3 javascript syntax.
// "Candidate: complete spec and initial browser implementations."
// Add anything lower than stage 3 at your own risk. :)
// JSX
].filter(x => x != null),
plugins: [
// This decorates our components with __self prop to JSX elements,
// which React will use to generate some runtime warnings.
// Adding this will give us the path to our components in the
// react dev tools.
// Replaces the React.createElement function with one that is
// more optimized for production.
// NOTE: Symbol needs to be polyfilled. Ensure this feature
// is enabled in the polyfill.io configuration.
// Hoists element creation to the top level for subtrees that
// are fully static, which reduces call to React.createElement
// and the resulting allocations. More importantly, it tells
// React that the subtree hasn’t changed so React can completely
// skip it when reconciling.
].filter(x => x != null),
env: {
production: {
presets: [
].filter(x => x != null)
// HappyPack 'css' instance for development client.
() => happyPackPlugin({
name: 'happypack-devclient-css',
loaders: [
loader: 'css-loader',
// Include sourcemaps for dev experience++.
options: {
sourceMap: true,
modules: true,
importLoaders: 1,
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
outputStyle: 'expanded',
sourceMap: true,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
module: {
rules: removeNil([
test: /\.jsx?$/,
// We will defer all our js processing to the happypack plugin
// named "happypack-javascript".
// See the respective plugin within the plugins section for full
// details on what loader is being implemented.
loader: 'happypack/loader?id=happypack-javascript',
include: removeNil([
...bundleConfig.srcPaths.map(srcPath =>
path.resolve(appRootDir.get(), srcPath),
ifOptimizeClient(path.resolve(appRootDir.get(), 'src/html')),
// CSS
// This is bound to our server/client bundles as we only expect to be
// serving the client bundle as a Single Page Application through the
// server.
ifElse(isClient || isServer)(
test: /\.(css|scss)$/,
// For development clients we will defer all our css processing to the
// happypack plugin named "happypack-devclient-css".
// See the respective plugin within the plugins section for full
// details on what loader is being implemented.
loaders: [
loader: 'css-loader',
// Include sourcemaps for dev experience++.
options: {
sourceMap: true,
modules: true,
importLoaders: 1,
// localIdentName,
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
outputStyle: 'expanded',
sourceMap: true,
// For a production client build we use the ExtractTextPlugin which
// will extract our CSS into CSS files. We don't use happypack here
// as there are some edge cases where it fails when used within
// an ExtractTextPlugin instance.
// Note: The ExtractTextPlugin needs to be registered within the
// plugins section too.
ifOptimizeClient(() => ({
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
fallback: 'style-loader',
use: [
loader: 'css-loader',
// Include sourcemaps for dev experience++.
options: {
sourceMap: true,
modules: true,
importLoaders: 1,
// localIdentName,
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
sourceMap: true,
// When targetting the server we use the "/locals" version of the
// css loader, as we don't need any css files for the server.
loaders: [
// ASSETS (Images/Fonts/etc)
// This is bound to our server/client bundles as we only expect to be
// serving the client bundle as a Single Page Application through the
// server.
ifElse(isClient || isServer)(() => ({
test: new RegExp(`\\.(${config('bundleAssetTypes').join('|')})$`, 'i'),
loader: 'file-loader',
query: {
// What is the web path that the client bundle will be served from?
// The same value has to be used for both the client and the
// server bundles in order to ensure that SSR paths match the
// paths used on the client.
publicPath: isDev
// When running in dev mode the client bundle runs on a
// seperate port so we need to put an absolute path here.
? `http://${config('host')}:${config('clientDevServerPort')}${config('bundles.client.webPath')}`
// Otherwise we just use the configured web path for the client.
: config('bundles.client.webPath'),
// We only emit files when building a web bundle, for the server
// bundle we only care about the file loader being able to create
// the correct asset URLs.
emitFile: isClient,
// This allows you to do feature detection.
// @see https://modernizr.com/docs
// @see https://github.com/peerigon/modernizr-loader
test: /\.modernizrrc.js$/,
loader: 'modernizr-loader',
test: /\.modernizrrc(\.json)?$/,
loader: 'modernizr-loader!json-loader',
if (isOptimize && isClient) {
webpackConfig = withServiceWorker(webpackConfig, bundleConfig);
// Apply the configuration middleware.
return config('plugins.webpackConfig')(webpackConfig, buildOptions);
* This module is responsible for generating the HTML page response for
* the react application middleware.
/* eslint-disable react/no-danger */
/* eslint-disable react/no-array-index-key */
import React, { Children, PropTypes } from 'react';
import serialize from 'serialize-javascript';
import styleSheet from 'styled-components/lib/models/StyleSheet';
import config from '../../../config';
import onlyIf from '../../../shared/utils/logic/onlyIf';
import removeNil from '../../../shared/utils/arrays/removeNil';
import getClientBundleEntryAssets from './getClientBundleEntryAssets';
import ClientConfig from '../../../config/components/ClientConfig';
import HTML from '../../../shared/components/HTML';
function KeyedComponent({ children }) {
return Children.only(children);
// Resolve the assets (js/css) for the client bundle's entry chunk.
const clientEntryAssets = getClientBundleEntryAssets();
function stylesheetTag(stylesheetFilePath) {
return (
media="screen, projection"
function stylesheetBlock(css){
return (
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: css}}
function scriptTag(jsFilePath) {
return <script type="text/javascript" src={jsFilePath} />;
function ServerHTML(props) {
const {
} = props;
// Creates an inline script definition that is protected by the nonce.
const inlineScript = body => (
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: body }}
const styledComponentCSS = styleSheet.getCSS();
const headerElements = removeNil([
...onlyIf(helmet, () => helmet.meta.toComponent()),
...onlyIf(helmet, () => helmet.link.toComponent()),
onlyIf(styledComponentCSS, () => stylesheetBlock(styledComponentCSS)),
clientEntryAssets && clientEntryAssets.css,
() => stylesheetTag(clientEntryAssets.css),
...onlyIf(helmet, () => helmet.style.toComponent()),
const bodyElements = removeNil([
// Binds the client configuration object to the window object so
// that we can safely expose some configuration values to the
// client bundle that gets executed in the browser.
<ClientConfig nonce={nonce} />,
// Bind our async components state so the client knows which ones
// to initialise so that the checksum matches the server response.
// @see https://github.com/ctrlplusb/react-async-component
() => inlineScript(
// Enable the polyfill io script?
// This can't be configured within a react-helmet component as we
// may need the polyfill's before our client JS gets parsed.
() => scriptTag(config('polyfillIO.url')),
// When we are in development mode our development server will
// generate a vendor DLL in order to dramatically reduce our
// compilation times. Therefore we need to inject the path to the
// vendor dll bundle below.
process.env.BUILD_FLAG_IS_DEV && config('bundles.client.devVendorDLL.enabled'),
() => scriptTag(
clientEntryAssets && clientEntryAssets.js,
() => scriptTag(clientEntryAssets.js),
() => helmet.script.toComponent(),
return (
headerElements.map((x, idx) => <KeyedComponent key={idx}>{x}</KeyedComponent>)
bodyElements.map((x, idx) => <KeyedComponent key={idx}>{x}</KeyedComponent>)
ServerHTML.propTypes = {
asyncComponents: PropTypes.shape({
state: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
STATE_IDENTIFIER: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
// eslint-disable-next-line react/forbid-prop-types
helmet: PropTypes.object,
nonce: PropTypes.string,
reactAppString: PropTypes.string,
export default ServerHTML;
I'm trying trying to get scss extracted to an external stylesheet for production and I can't seem to get it to work. Any suggestions?