Implement a workflow for adding a new expense item. When clicking a button or typing a command "/expense" the bot should prompt for the expense item, in the format specified in the issue #3, except for the expense item number. When the user types the expense item, the bot should validate it, and, if the record is valid, add it to the database,
Please commit your code into a branch, create a pull request and assign a review to @dbarashev-jetbrains
Implement a workflow for adding a new expense item. When clicking a button or typing a command "/expense" the bot should prompt for the expense item, in the format specified in the issue #3, except for the expense item number. When the user types the expense item, the bot should validate it, and, if the record is valid, add it to the database,
Please commit your code into a branch, create a pull request and assign a review to @dbarashev-jetbrains