iScroll api object (the "myScroll" in "var myScroll = new IScroll('#wrapper')") has some properties pointing to DOM, like "myScroll.wrapper"
I am using iScroll through knockout's custom binding "<div data-bind=scroll: scrollUpdateComputed, scrollControl: scrollControl, scrollOptions: scrollOptions" and, when applying this binding to a piece of html, setting "scrollControl" observable to contain iScroll api object (to use api after initiation).
The problem is that direct pointers to DOM in knockout model is considered bad practice or even anti-pattern as, for example, you can not turn that model to simple object using "ko,toJS(koModel)". That happens when knockout model contains property containing iScroll api object
The problem is that direct pointers to DOM in knockout model is considered bad practice or even anti-pattern as, for example, you can not turn that model to simple object using "ko,toJS(koModel)". That happens when knockout model contains property containing iScroll api object