cultlang / craft-lisp

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C++ Interpreter: Type System #14

Open mason-bially opened 6 years ago

mason-bially commented 6 years ago

Thoughts on the type system listed here (Subsumes #8, this is the second try).


mason-bially commented 6 years ago


Not yet sure how to write this one. A lot of these methods will be bidirectional (e.g. Tuple{Union{A,B},C}= Union{Tuple{A,C},Tuple{B,C}} from the paper above.

Here are my tentative methods:


Types are used to describe the kind of a value. At runtime the program knows the concrete type tag and the location in memory of every value (although the compiler may elide these if they are not necessary). For use in data flow analysis the system can perform computations on types.


Wraps TypeId, describes a concrete craft type to the lisp.

Backport to craft::types?


Describes an abstract tag.


A sequence of types. Used to describe things like function signatures, and (ordered) collections of values.

Support variadic? or a separate type?


A union of two types, meaning the value can be one or the other.

(?) Exists

An existential query over a type. Comes in three parts:

Called UnionAll in Julia. Could probably use a better name.


A variable in an existential query.


Used for Any and Bottom, uses std::function to implement PType.


Dispatch is done by finding the first method


Implemented with: Any, Bottom, concrete types, AbstractTag, and Union.



mason-bially commented 6 years ago

Type Algorithm Notes:

Type Hierarchy Notes:

mason-bially commented 6 years ago

We should consider whether we want to be able to mark type constructor arguments as contravariant, covariant or invariant, like in C#. Or simply assume invariance with covariance being a specialized exception (which Julia does). We may not have the choice. Page 67 of the thesis implies the lack of contravariant constructors is key to the decideability of the sub-typing system.

The rules in the second row appear asymmetric. This is a result of exploiting the lack of contravariant constructors. No contravariance means that every time a right-side variable appears on the left side of a comparison, it must be because it occurs in invariant position, and the steps outlined in the first paragraph of this section have “flipped” the order (comparing both B ≤ C and C ≤ B). This explains the odd rule for comparing two right-side variables: this case can only occur with differently nested UnionAlls and invariant constructors, in which case the relation holds only if all involved bounds are equal. By symmetry, one would expect the rule in row 3, column 2 to update X’s upper bound to B ∩ T. But because of invariance, T ≤ B has already been checked by rule in row 3, column 1. Therefore B∩T = T. This is the reason the “forward” direction of the comparison needs to be checked first: otherwise, we would have updated B to equal T already and the T ≤ B comparison would become vacuous. Alternatively, we could actually compute B ∩T. However there is reason to suspect that trouble lies that way. We would need to either add intersection types to the system, or compute a meet without them. Either way, the algorithm would become much more complex and, judging by past results, likely undecidable.

I believe it should be possible to express contra- and co- variant existential bindings through the use of extra bounds which represent upper, co, contra, and lower bounds. This should only increase the complexity of bounds recalculation, without introducing intersections. It's also an expansion of an existing special edge case for tuples, which is why I believe it should be possible.