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Download list of 'Places" into a Google sheet file for client DICI.CA #1133

Closed tammy-culture closed 3 months ago

tammy-culture commented 3 months ago

Download list of Places from the "alepoint" aggregator into a Google sheet file. Client will then indicate the appropriate MRC region on the Google sheet to be re-uploaded into Places.

Calendar ID: 657199fea5ac3d006314ea92

troughc commented 3 months ago

@dev-aravind @sahalali the MRC/ region (which now goes by the standard field "District") is not showing up in the bulk download file for swagger. I think it's a bug because "Region" is in the file. Please look at attachment. For example, Amphitheatre Cogeco ( has a destrict, which doesn't appear in the attached spreadsheet Can you fix this ASAP and and provide the bulk download of places for tomorrow?


troughc commented 3 months ago

@tammy-culture here is the 'report' of places so you can use it to sort on the aggregator as needed.

@dev-aravind I also noticed that district isn't included in the report. My bad, I missed that field. Can you please add a column for the district field? Thanks.

Place_report (1).csv

dev-aravind commented 3 months ago

@troughc I fixed both of the issues that you mentioned, the district is now available in the generateReport API and also the bulk export. Please review this and let me know if you find any issues.

troughc commented 3 months ago

@dev-aravind aI tested in staging, looks good. Just a couple questions.

For bulk export, I noticed that the heading row still says 'region' instead of Distict. but maybe that doesn't matter - is it automatically generated?


For report, would it be possile you rename the french column for district to NomDuQuartierFR If not, no worries.

Place_report (3).csv

troughc commented 3 months ago

Either way, please deploy to production @dev-aravind. Thanks!

dev-aravind commented 3 months ago

@troughc The district french name is changed to NomDuQuartierFR in the report now in staging.