Hi! Nice widget! It works very well!
Just some ideas:
[ ] New icon (it is kind of ugly)
[ ] Smaller widget window (make it scrollable and make its height same as other plasma widgets, like kdeconnect for example)
[x] make notifications optionals
[x] change left click/right click behaviour (i would expect a left click to open chromium as default action), or make these actions customizable
[x] Change text color to match current theme (i'm using breeze dark and text is black, so it is not much readable)
[ ] use a better listing for urls in settings (instead of a textview with one element per-line)
[ ] (this would be awesome) make it an in-tray widget: ideally it would be hidden when there are no new news/when all news are read, and it will be shown when there are new news (instead of using notifications; way less "intrusive").
This way it could be added from tray settings under "additional items" menu.
Hi! Nice widget! It works very well! Just some ideas:
Btw these is all i came up with :)