cvdfoundation / fashionpedia

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Remove Background of Image #6

Open firaki12345-cmd opened 2 years ago

firaki12345-cmd commented 2 years ago

Hi, so i have been playing with instance segmentation for the past week and cam around this library called Pixel lib

which is amazing at Instance Segmentation with few lines of Code.

Now it works on People,animals but has a problem on Fashion (Especially Shoes Dataset)

So, I Finally found the Fashion Pedia dataset and annotations but how can i use it with Pixel lib ?

My Code on Kaggle:

pip install pixellib

import pixellib

from pixellib.instance import instance_segmentation  

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

!wget ""

segmentation_model = instance_segmentation()


segmask,output = segmentation_model.segmentImage("../input/facess/8.jpg", extract_segmented_objects = True, save_extracted_objects = True, show_bboxes = True, output_image_name = "output1.jpg")


The below image i want to do image segmentation ? how can i do that ?


KMnP commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm not familiar with pixellib, but seems like the solution is first you need to train a model with Fashionpedia dataset, and then use it in you case.

Hope this helps!!