Hi, I've created a reconstruction model in Metashape and exported it in the sfm format (points3d, images3d, cameras). I've also generated the global-feats-netvlad.h5 and feats-disk.h5.
The camera positions load correctly but the localization seems completely random, even when keeping the camera stationary.
(The camera is currently at (54, 1))
Here is the relevant part of my code:
global_descriptor = extract_features.main2(
model=self.global_model, device=self.device, image=image, gray=False
pairs = pairs_from_retrieval.main2(
self.global_db, global_descriptor, self.k, self.global_names
matches = match_features.main2(
pairs, local_descriptor, self.local_db, self.matcher, self.device
cv2.imwrite("tmp.png", cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
camera = pycolmap.infer_camera_from_image(Path("tmp.png"))
localizer = QueryLocalizer(self.model, self.conf)
ret_files = pairs
self.ref_ids = [self.model.find_image_with_name(n).image_id for n in ret_files]
ret = pose_from_cluster(
localizer, local_descriptor, camera, self.ref_ids, matches
if ret is None:
return self.ax
num_inliers = ret["num_inliers"]
total_correspondences = len(ret["inliers"])
R = ret["cam_from_world"].rotation.matrix()
t = ret["cam_from_world"].translation
Hi, I've created a reconstruction model in Metashape and exported it in the sfm format (points3d, images3d, cameras). I've also generated the global-feats-netvlad.h5 and feats-disk.h5.
The camera positions load correctly but the localization seems completely random, even when keeping the camera stationary. (The camera is currently at (54, 1))
Here is the relevant part of my code:
Any help is greatly appreciated!