I have downloaded your application since it looks as a good tutorial for web midi implementations.
Unfortunately I was not able to get midi input events, while running it on the web (http://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/MIDIDrums/index.html) it works correctly.
I have found a difference in the midi.js file, in the onMIDIInit function.
This is the working version;
if (!midiIn) {
midiIn = midiAccess.inputs.values().next().value;
midiIn.onmidimessage = midiMessageReceived;
var outputs=midiAccess.outputs.values();
and this is the GitHub version:
if (!midiIn)
midiIn = midiAccess.inputs.values().next().value;
var outputs=midiAccess.outputs.values();
I have downloaded your application since it looks as a good tutorial for web midi implementations. Unfortunately I was not able to get midi input events, while running it on the web (http://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/MIDIDrums/index.html) it works correctly. I have found a difference in the midi.js file, in the onMIDIInit function. This is the working version;
and this is the GitHub version:
the onmidimessage method is missing.
Thanks anyway for posting this great application!