cyber-murmel / chubby-hat

a PCB that turns the Colorlight 5A-75B into an easy to use development FPGA platform for cheap
MIT License
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Gerbers #6

Open DatanoiseTV opened 4 years ago

DatanoiseTV commented 4 years ago

I've just acquired some of those cheap fpga boards. Could you generate gerbers for JLCPCB? Also, does the PCB work? what about replacing the buffers on board? Unfortunately I cannot find the "chip" boards.

cyber-murmel commented 4 years ago


I will attach the gerbers to the release tag. I should also have blank PCB left over from my order. If you are in Europe I could mail it to you.

Both debug adapters on the board work in principle The STM32 running Versaloon is not very reliable, especially at higher TCK frequencies. @ktemkin suggested using LUNA instead of Versaloon. That's planned for the next version. Currently I recommend using the FTDI.

I replaced half of the buffer drivers on my board by hand soldered wires. The boards I designed didn't turn out so good. I suggest using @Disasm's flex PCB instead or replacing the buffers with SN74CBT3245APW 8bit bidirectional FET switches

cyber-murmel commented 4 years ago

Ther Gerbers are now here

PS regarding whether the board works: The JTAG signals are also connected to standard JTAG headers, so you can still use the hat a breakout board together with a standalone debugger adapter, if the onboard adapters don't work.

DatanoiseTV commented 4 years ago

@cyber-murmel Thank you. I'm im Berlin. If you have a spare board, I'd be happy to get it :) I will try to source a FT2232 then. Otherwise I have a FT2232-MINI somewhere. Do you also have some of the FlexPCBs?