Open DatanoiseTV opened 4 years ago
I will attach the gerbers to the release tag. I should also have blank PCB left over from my order. If you are in Europe I could mail it to you.
Both debug adapters on the board work in principle The STM32 running Versaloon is not very reliable, especially at higher TCK frequencies. @ktemkin suggested using LUNA instead of Versaloon. That's planned for the next version. Currently I recommend using the FTDI.
I replaced half of the buffer drivers on my board by hand soldered wires. The boards I designed didn't turn out so good. I suggest using @Disasm's flex PCB instead or replacing the buffers with SN74CBT3245APW 8bit bidirectional FET switches
Ther Gerbers are now here
PS regarding whether the board works: The JTAG signals are also connected to standard JTAG headers, so you can still use the hat a breakout board together with a standalone debugger adapter, if the onboard adapters don't work.
@cyber-murmel Thank you. I'm im Berlin. If you have a spare board, I'd be happy to get it :) I will try to source a FT2232 then. Otherwise I have a FT2232-MINI somewhere. Do you also have some of the FlexPCBs?
I've just acquired some of those cheap fpga boards. Could you generate gerbers for JLCPCB? Also, does the PCB work? what about replacing the buffers on board? Unfortunately I cannot find the "chip" boards.