cygri / void

An RDF schema and associated documentation for expressing metadata about RDF datasets
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shapePartition like classPartition #114

Open JervenBolleman opened 5 months ago

JervenBolleman commented 5 months ago

I would like to annotate that a dataset has elements that are grouped by a named data shape (ShACL, Shex or other).

:MyDataset a void:Dataset;
    void:shapePartition [ void:shape [  a sh:NodeShape ;
                                                                 sh:targetClass foaf:Person ] ];
    void:shapePartition [ void:shape [ a sh:NodeShape ;
                                                                  sh:targetClass foaf:Organization ]];

This would add two new object properties void:shapePartition and void:shape

void:shapePartition a owl:ObjectProperty;
    rdfs:label "shape partition";
    rdfs:comment "A subset of a void:Dataset that contains only the entities of a that conform to certain data shape.";
    rdfs:domain void:Dataset;
    rdfs:range void:Dataset;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf void:subset .

void:shape a owl:ObjectProperty;
    rdfs:label "shape";
    rdfs:comment "The shape describing a set of entities in a Dataset.";
    rdfs:domain void:Dataset;

void:shaclShape a owl:FunctionalProperty ;
   rdfs:label "ShACL shape" ;
   rdfs:comment "A ShACL shape describing a set of entities in a Dataset.";
   rdfs:subPropertyOf void:shape ;
   rdfs:range <> .

void:shexShape a owl:FunctionalProperty ;
   rdfs:label "ShEx shape " ;
   rdfs:comment "A ShEx shape describing a set of entitites in a Dataset" ;
   rdfs:subProeprty of void:shape ;
   rdfs:range <> .
tfrancart commented 4 months ago

Very close to