cylc / cylc-sphinx-extensions

Sphinx extensions for documenting Cylc projects.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Consider chipping off the Cylc Pygments lexer into another repo #79

Open oliver-sanders opened 1 month ago

oliver-sanders commented 1 month ago

This repo was created to assist with the development of the Cylc and Rose documentation, it has a GPL license as a result.

However, the Cylc Pygments lexer may be of interest to other projects, e.g. those wishing to document Cylc workflows. To facilitate such uses a more permissive license would be appropriate (e.g. we use BSD for cylc-textmate-grammar).

We could potentially consider chipping off the lexer into its own repo ( :facepalm: ), or even potentially relicensing this entire repo (the only thing stopping us is the Cylc autodocumenter which imports Cylc libraries and could be moved into cylc-doc).

jfrost-mo commented 1 month ago

This like might need expanding to support other *.cylc files. Otherwise the lexer itself seems independent.