cylc / cylc-uiserver

A Jupyter Server extension that serves the cylc-ui web application for monitoring and controlling Cylc workflows.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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dependency sustainability #333

Open oliver-sanders opened 2 years ago

oliver-sanders commented 2 years ago

Cylc UI Server has two dependencies from the graphql-python org that are starting to look worrying:

These projects are fairly small and live in the graphql-python organisation, however, are in need of a little TLC. They are currently stuck on Graphene 2, Graphene has since moved onto version 3 (Nov 2021).

Unfortunately it is relatively unusual to write GraphQL servers in Python (clients less unusual), GraphQL came out the JS ecosystem where the most popular server lives. Consequently there isn't that much interest from the wider community in some of these more niche integrations in the Python ecosystem.

To safeguard the future of these projects they need to make it to Graphene 3, unfortunately this requires an understanding of Graphene that we don't have which makes it difficult for us to help.

What can/should we do and when can we afford the time to do it?

oliver-sanders commented 2 years ago

If the Graphene route becomes difficult there are two other Python GraphQL server implementations which may or may not offer an easier route:

oliver-sanders commented 1 year ago

update: 2023

graphene-tornado is now graphene >=3 compatible, but pending release, pending a maintainer to make the release.

Because graphql-ws is still graphene < 3 this doesn't help us so #388 is blocked with or without this release.

oliver-sanders commented 1 year ago

Moving to Ariadne or Tartiflette is completely possible, however, this would involve swapping our GraphQL "engine" for theirs which could introduce migration pain.

Both Ariadne and Tartiflette are schema-first which means we would need to serialise our Graphene schema, then load it back in again. This should work but it might require a little extra work hooking in our resolvers, etc.

Furthermore, although both support websockets, neither support Tornado so we would still require an integration there bringing us back to the original problem.

So long story short, both are interesting alternatives which we might have considered had they been around at the time, however, migrating is not likely to be a trivial activity.

[edit] correction Ariadne uses graphql-core as its "GraphQL engine" the same thing you get with Graphene, Tartiflette presumably uses something different.

oliver-sanders commented 4 weeks ago

Update: 2024-08

State of graphene-tornado and graphql-ws

Unfortunately, it does not look like either graphene-tornado or graphql-ws are going to receive any further updates. I have poked, but there doesn't seem to be any appetite for pushing these projects forward. The maintainers are suggesting we move away from these specific integrations and towards another of their projects, graphql-server as a more unified solution. However, graphql-server presently does not support either subscriptions, websockets or tornado, so this isn't a viable solution either. There is a v3 branch with experimental support for subscriptions + websockets on this repo, however, it has not been very active and doesn't look like it is likely to make release. If it was just one missing feature set, we might be able to get involved and thrash it out, but with multiple missing feature sets, it is unlikely that we would be able to make the required progress, especially with no knowledge of the graphql-core library.

Alternative tooling

The good news is that other Python GraphQL servers have advanced reasonably during this period. Notably Strawberry and Ariande appear much more mature solutions, both providing subscription and websocket support. Note, neither has reached a v1 release yet. The smaller Tartiflette project may also be promising.

There is also the graphql-server project mentioned above, however, this does not support either subscriptions or websockets.

None of these options supports Tornado servers, so we will have to accept developing this integration ourselves :(

Note, Strawberry and Ariande appear to have GraphQl-core as a dependency, so may just be frameworks wrapping this library (similar to graphql-server)?

Component parts

There are four components to the GraphQL server-side stack (my naming):

Migration options

Option Schema Definition Request Execution Server Integration (tornado + subscriptions) Protocol Integration (websockets)
Current graphene V2 graphql-core V2 graphene-tornado graphql-ws
(1) graphene V3 graphql-core V3 graphql-server V3 (experimental) + bespoke tornado integration graphql-server V3 (experimental)
(2) graphene V3 graphql-core V3 bespoke bespoke
(3) strawberry strawberry bespoke strawberry [1] ?
(4) graphene V3 ariande bespoke ariande [1] ?
(5) ariande ariande bespoke ariande [1] ?

[1] Websockets and subscriptions are both supported, however, research would be needed to determine how abstract this implementation is, if it is written into specific server integrations, then it might not be easily reusable in a Tornado context.

All options are going to be highly disruptive, expected pain points:

Migration notes:


It might be easier to attempt this as a ground-up rewrite :(

Try implementing a simple schema implementing a simple subscription and see how hard it is to expose this through Tornado before continuing.

The popularity of the Strawberry and Ariande frameworks is attractive.