cypress-io / cypress

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Timed out waiting for the browser to connect, after running more than one e2e test in Firefox #27192

Closed M4xymS closed 1 year ago

M4xymS commented 1 year ago

Current behavior

after launching a folder with three spec test files, the first one passes successfully, but the next one when launching the browser the browser does not start. The error occurs only when using cypress run and also occurs in CI.

Command that i use to start: npx cypress run --spec ".\e2e\specs\Mobile\breeding\insertion\*" --e2e -b firefox --env machineID=7,userAgent=mobile

Desired behavior

Cypress tests all cases as they should

Test code to reproduce

run any headless tests (min. 2 specs) on firefox 104+ with cypress 12.15.0

Cypress Version


Node version


Operating System

Windows 11 Build 22621.1848

Debug Logs

cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +1m
Timed out waiting for the browser to connect. Retrying again...
  cypress:server:run waiting for socket to connect and browser to launch... +1m
  cypress:server:run waiting for socket connection... { id: 'ewsrnytfpk' } +0ms
  cypress:server:open_project resetting project state, preparing to launch browser firefox for spec { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: 'insertionFattener.spec.js', fileName: 'insertionFattener', specFileExtension: '.spec.js', relativeToCommonRoot: 'insertionFattener.spec.js', specType: 'integration', name: 'e2e/specs/Mobile/breeding/insertion/insertionFattener.spec.js', relative: 'e2e\\specs\\Mobile\\breeding\\insertion\\insertionFattener.spec.js', absolute: 'C:/XXXXX/XXXXX_Frontend/e2e/specs/Mobile/breeding/insertion/insertionFattener.spec.js' } options { projectRoot: 'C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX_Frontend', shouldLaunchNewTab: true, onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoApi: { onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoName: 'e2e\\videos\\insertionFattener.spec.js.mp4', compressedVideoName: 'e2e\\videos\\insertionFattener.spec.js-compressed.mp4', useFfmpegVideoController: [AsyncFunction: useFfmpegVideoController], useVideoController: [Function: useVideoController], onProjectCaptureVideoFrames: [Function: onProjectCaptureVideoFrames] }, automationMiddleware: { onBeforeRequest: [Function: onBeforeRequest], onAfterResponse: [Function: onAfterResponse] }, onWarning: [Function: onWarning] } +1m
  cypress:server:project resetting project instance C:\XXXXX\XXXXX_Frontend +1m
  cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers +1m
  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'staging', domain: 'XXXXX', tld: '' } +60s
  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'staging', domain: 'XXXXX', tld: '' } +0ms
  cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: '', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: '', props: { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'staging', domain: 'XXXXX', tld: '' } } for +60s
  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: null, domain: 'XXXXX', tld: '' } +0ms
  cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: '', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: '', props: { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'staging', domain: 'XXXXX', tld: '' } } for: +0ms
  cypress:server:project_utils returning spec url\specs\Mobile\breeding\insertion\insertionFattener.spec.js +1m
  cypress:server:open_project open project url\specs\Mobile\breeding\insertion\insertionFattener.spec.js +1ms
  cypress:server:project project has config { configFile: 'C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX_Frontend\\cypress.config.js', fixturesFolder: 'e2e/fixtures', screenshotsFolder: 'e2e/screenshots', supportFile: 'e2e/support/index.js', userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SM-G532G Build/MMB29T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.83 Mobile Safari/537.36', videosFolder: 'e2e/videos', testingType: 'e2e', numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, video: true, videoUploadOnPasses: true, videoCompression: 12, defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, pageLoadTimeout: 45000, projectId: 'uhb3at', chromeWebSecurity: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: true, experimentalWebKitSupport: true, retries: { runMode: 2, openMode: 0 }, viewportWidth: 1920, viewportHeight: 1080, includeShadowDom: true, watchForFileChanges: false, setupNodeEvents: '[Function setupNodeEvents]', experimentalRunAllSpecs: true, specPattern: 'e2e/specs/**/*.spec.js', api: 'stage', baseUrl: '', scrollBehavior: 'center', projectRoot: 'C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX_Frontend', projectName: 'XXXXX_Frontend', repoRoot: 'C:/XXXXX/XXXXX_Frontend', rawJson: { screenshotsFolder: 'e2e/screenshots', fixturesFolder: 'e2e/fixtures', videosFolder: 'e2e/videos', numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, video: true, videoUploadOnPasses: true, videoCompression: 12, defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, pageLoadTimeout: 45000, projectId: 'uhb3at', chromeWebSecurity: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: true, experimentalWebKitSupport: true, retries: { runMode: 2, openMode: 0 }, viewportWidth: 1920, viewportHeight: 1080, includeShadowDom: true, watchForFileChanges: false, userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36', e2e: { setupNodeEvents: '[Function setupNodeEvents]', experimentalRunAllSpecs: true, supportFile: 'e2e/support/index.js', specPattern: 'e2e/specs/**/*.spec.js', api: 'stage', baseUrl: '', scrollBehavior: 'center' }, component: { devServer: [Object] }, setupNodeEvents: '[Function setupNodeEvents]', experimentalRunAllSpecs: true, supportFile: 'e2e/support/index.js', specPattern: 'e2e/specs/**/*.spec.js', api: 'stage', baseUrl: '', scrollBehavior: 'center', envFile: { testrail: [Object] }, projectRoot: 'C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX_Frontend', projectName: 'XXXXX_Frontend', repoRoot: 'C:/XXXXX/XXXXX_Frontend' }, morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: 'ewsrnytfpk', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], downloadsFolder: 'C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX_Frontend\\cypress\\downloads', env: { testrail: { domain: '', username: '', password: 'RXkqFh3FMVyUjX4!', screenshots: true, projectId: 1 }, machineID: 7, userAgent: 'mobile' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalCspAllowList: false, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, fileServerFolder: 'C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX_Frontend', excludeSpecPattern: '*.hot-update.js', keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, platform: 'win32', port: 60795, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe', resolvedNodeVersion: '18.16.0', responseTimeout: 30000, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, slowTestThreshold: 10000, supportFolder: 'C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX_Frontend\\e2e\\support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, waitForAnimations: true, additionalIgnorePattern: [], autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '114.0.5735.199', path: 'C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: '114' }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '114.0.2', path: 'C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: '114', warning: 'Your project has set the configuration option: `chromeWebSecurity` to `false`.\n' + '\n' + 'This option will not have an effect in Firefox. Tests that rely on web security being disabled will not run as expected.' }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Edge', version: '114.0.1823.67', path: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\\msedge.exe', minSupportedVersion: 79, majorVersion: '114' }, { name: 'webkit', channel: 'stable', family: 'webkit', displayName: 'WebKit', version: '16.4', path: 'C:\\Users\\M4xymS\\AppData\\Local\\ms-playwright\\webkit-1848\\Playwright.exe', majorVersion: '16', warning: 'WebKit support is currently experimental. Some functions may not work as expected.' }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: 'C:\\Users\\M4xymS\\AppData\\Local\\Cypress\\Cache\\12.15.0\\Cypress\\resources\\app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.15.0', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: '', from: 'config' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { testrail: [Object], machineID: [Object], userAgent: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalCspAllowList: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: true, from: 'config' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: true, from: 'config' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: true, from: 'config' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'e2e/fixtures', from: 'plugin' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: '*.hot-update.js', from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: true, from: 'config' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'win32', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 45000, from: 'config' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: 'uhb3at', from: 'config' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'e2e/screenshots', from: 'plugin' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 10000, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'center', from: 'config' }, supportFile: { value: 'e2e/support/index.js', from: 'plugin' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SM-G532G Build/MMB29T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.83 Mobile Safari/537.36', from: 'plugin' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 12, from: 'config' }, videosFolder: { value: 'e2e/videos', from: 'plugin' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 1080, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1920, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: 'e2e/specs/**/*.spec.js', from: 'config' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, configFile: { value: 'C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX_Frontend\\cypress.config.js', from: 'plugin' }, testingType: { value: 'e2e', from: 'plugin' } }, remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:60795', browserUrl: '', reporterUrl: '', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:60795', state: {} } +1ms
  cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: null, domain: 'XXXXX', tld: '' } +1ms
  cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: '', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: '', props: { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'staging', domain: 'XXXXX', tld: '' } } for: +1ms
  cypress:server:open_project launching browser: { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '114.0.2', path: 'C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: '114', isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, spec: e2e\specs\Mobile\breeding\insertion\insertionFattener.spec.js +1ms
  cypress:server:browsers getBrowserLauncher { browser: { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '114.0.2', path: 'C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: '114', isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } } +3ms
  cypress:server:browsers:firefox-util firefox: reconnecting to blank tab +1m
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────┬──────────────┬────────────────────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │   group   │ processCount │                pids                │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────┼──────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    0    │ 'cypress' │      1       │               '7404'               │    0.03    │      0.67      │  335.63  │    352.72    │    372.4    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    1    │  'other'  │      5       │ '15588, 14356, 3252, 12168, 13576' │    0.02    │      0.03      │  186.52  │    186.2     │   223.82    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    2    │ 'plugin'  │      2       │           '9100, 14136'            │    1.64    │      7.71      │  164.41  │    207.44    │   891.85    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    3    │ 'ffmpeg'  │      1       │              '11776'               │    0.03    │      0.02      │   9.05   │     9.06     │     9.1     │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    4    │  'TOTAL'  │      9       │                '-'                 │    1.73    │      9.78      │  695.6   │    1377.8    │   2339.67   │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────┴──────────────┴────────────────────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +11s
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────┬──────────────┬────────────────────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │   group   │ processCount │                pids                │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────┼──────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    0    │ 'cypress' │      1       │               '7404'               │    1.18    │      0.69      │  335.46  │    351.97    │    372.4    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    1    │  'other'  │      5       │ '15588, 14356, 3252, 10248, 10760' │    0.05    │      0.03      │  186.64  │    186.22    │   223.82    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    2    │ 'plugin'  │      2       │           '9100, 14136'            │   17.21    │      8.14      │  164.41  │    205.48    │   891.85    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    3    │ 'ffmpeg'  │      1       │              '11776'               │     0      │      0.01      │   9.05   │     9.06     │     9.1     │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    4    │  'TOTAL'  │      9       │                '-'                 │   18.45    │     10.16      │  695.57  │   1348.14    │   2339.67   │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────┴──────────────┴────────────────────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +11s
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────┬──────────────┬───────────────────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │   group   │ processCount │               pids                │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    0    │ 'cypress' │      1       │              '7404'               │    9.91    │      1.07      │  336.11  │    351.31    │    372.4    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    1    │  'other'  │      5       │ '15588, 14356, 3252, 9680, 11548' │    0.02    │      0.03      │  186.46  │    186.23    │   223.82    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    2    │ 'plugin'  │      2       │           '9100, 14136'           │    1.63    │      7.86      │  164.42  │    203.7     │   891.85    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    3    │ 'ffmpeg'  │      1       │              '11776'              │    0.03    │      0.02      │   9.05   │     9.06     │     9.1     │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    4    │  'TOTAL'  │      9       │                '-'                │   11.59    │     10.22      │  696.04  │   1320.97    │   2339.67   │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────┴──────────────┴───────────────────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +11s
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────┬──────────────┬────────────────────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │   group   │ processCount │                pids                │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────┼──────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    0    │ 'cypress' │      1       │               '7404'               │    1.19    │      1.08      │  335.88  │    350.69    │    372.4    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    1    │  'other'  │      5       │ '15588, 14356, 3252, 14752, 12924' │    0.05    │      0.03      │  186.66  │    186.25    │   223.82    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    2    │ 'plugin'  │      2       │           '9100, 14136'            │   17.27    │      8.25      │  164.42  │    202.06    │   891.85    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    3    │ 'ffmpeg'  │      1       │              '11776'               │     0      │      0.01      │   9.05   │     9.06     │     9.1     │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    4    │  'TOTAL'  │      9       │                '-'                 │   18.51    │     10.55      │  696.01  │   1295.97    │   2339.67   │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────┴──────────────┴────────────────────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +11s
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │   group   │ processCount │               pids               │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    0    │ 'cypress' │      1       │              '7404'              │    9.96    │      1.42      │  336.63  │    350.15    │    372.4    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    1    │  'other'  │      5       │ '15588, 14356, 3252, 3416, 2064' │    0.02    │      0.03      │  186.75  │    186.27    │   223.82    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    2    │ 'plugin'  │      2       │          '9100, 14136'           │    1.64    │      7.99      │  164.43  │    200.55    │   891.85    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    3    │ 'ffmpeg'  │      1       │             '11776'              │    0.03    │      0.02      │   9.05   │     9.06     │     9.1     │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    4    │  'TOTAL'  │      9       │               '-'                │   11.65    │     10.59      │  696.86  │   1272.93    │   2339.67   │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +11s

  cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +1m
The browser never connected. Something is wrong. The tests cannot run. Aborting...

The browser never connected. Something is wrong. The tests cannot run. Aborting...
  cypress:server:run received project end { error: 'The browser never connected. Something is wrong. The tests cannot run. Aborting...', stats: { failures: 1, tests: 0, passes: 0, pending: 0, suites: 0, skipped: 0, wallClockDuration: 0, wallClockStartedAt: '2023-07-04T08:52:58.856Z', wallClockEndedAt: '2023-07-04T08:52:58.856Z' } } +1m
  cypress:server:run received videoController { videoController: undefined } +0ms
  cypress:server:run execute after:spec +0ms
  cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'after:spec', isRegistered: false } +3m
  cypress:server:run No video found after spec ran - skipping compression. Video path: e2e\videos\insertionFattener.spec.js.mp4 +1ms


  │ Tests:        0                                                                                │
  │ Passing:      0                                                                                │
  │ Failing:      1                                                                                │
  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
  │ Video:        false                                                                            │
  │ Duration:     0 seconds                                                                        │
  │ Spec Ran:     insertionFattener.spec.js                                                        │

  cypress:server:run attempting to close the browser tab +5ms
  cypress:server:cypress exiting with err Error: Could not process 'reset:browser:tabs:for:next:test'. No automation clients connected.
    at p.onAutomation (<embedded>:4629:27357)
    at I (<embedded>:4629:28389)
    at <embedded>:4557:64269
    at Promise.cancellationExecute [as _execute] (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\debuggability.js:335:9)
    at Promise._resolveFromExecutor (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:483:18)
    at new Promise (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:79:10)
    at c.requestAutomationResponse (<embedded>:4557:63949)
    at <embedded>:4557:63874
    at <embedded>:4557:65116
    at tryCatcher (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\util.js:16:23)
    at Function.<anonymous> (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\method.js:39:29)
    at c.normalize (<embedded>:4557:64404)
    at <embedded>:4557:65471
    at tryCatcher (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\util.js:16:23)
    at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:512:31)
    at Promise._settlePromise (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:569:18)
    at Promise._settlePromiseCtx (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:606:10)
    at _drainQueueStep (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:142:12)
    at _drainQueue (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:131:9)
    at Async._drainQueues (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:147:5)
    at Immediate._onImmediate (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:17:14)
    at process.processImmediate (node:internal/timers:466:21) +5m
Could not process 'reset:browser:tabs:for:next:test'. No automation clients connected.
Error: Could not process 'reset:browser:tabs:for:next:test'. No automation clients connected.
    at p.onAutomation (<embedded>:4629:27357)
    at I (<embedded>:4629:28389)
    at <embedded>:4557:64269
    at Promise.cancellationExecute [as _execute] (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\debuggability.js:335:9)
    at Promise._resolveFromExecutor (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:483:18)
    at new Promise (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:79:10)
    at c.requestAutomationResponse (<embedded>:4557:63949)
    at <embedded>:4557:63874
    at <embedded>:4557:65116
    at tryCatcher (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\util.js:16:23)
    at Function.<anonymous> (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\method.js:39:29)
    at c.normalize (<embedded>:4557:64404)
    at <embedded>:4557:65471
    at tryCatcher (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\util.js:16:23)
    at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:512:31)
    at Promise._settlePromise (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:569:18)
    at Promise._settlePromiseCtx (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:606:10)
    at _drainQueueStep (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:142:12)
    at _drainQueue (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:131:9)
    at Async._drainQueues (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:147:5)
    at Immediate._onImmediate (C:\Users\M4xymS\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\12.15.0\Cypress\resources\app\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:17:14)
    at process.processImmediate (node:internal/timers:466:21)
  cypress:server:cloud:api request to url: POST with params: {"body":{"err":{"name":"Error","message":"Could not process 'reset:browser:tabs:for:next:test'. No automation clients connected.","stack":"Error: Could not process 'reset:browser:tabs:for:next:test'. No automation clients connected.\n    at p.onAutomation (<embedded>:4629:27357)\n    at I (<embedded>:4629:28389)\n    at <embedded>:4557:64269\n    at Promise.cancellationExecute [as _execute] (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>debuggability.js:335:9)\n    at Promise._resolveFromExecutor (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>promise.js:483:18)\n    at new Promise (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>promise.js:79:10)\n    at c.requestAutomationResponse (<embedded>:4557:63949)\n    at <embedded>:4557:63874\n    at <embedded>:4557:65116\n    at tryCatcher (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>util.js:16:23)\n    at Function.<anonymous> (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>method.js:39:29)\n    at c.normalize (<embedded>:4557:64404)\n    at <embedded>:4557:65471\n    at tryCatcher (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>util.js:16:23)\n    at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>promise.js:512:31)\n    at Promise._settlePromise (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>promise.js:569:18)\n    at Promise._settlePromiseCtx (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>promise.js:606:10)\n    at _drainQueueStep (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>async.js:142:12)\n    at _drainQueue (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>async.js:131:9)\n    at Async._drainQueues (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>async.js:147:5)\n    at Immediate._onImmediate (<stripped-path>M4xymS<stripped-path>async.js:17:14)\n    at process.processImmediate (node:internal<stripped-path>timers:466:21)"},"version":"12.15.0","osName":"win32","osVersion":"10.0.22621","osCpus":[{"model":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz","speed":1992,"times":{"user":357906,"nice":0,"sys":251109,"idle":10066234,"irq":15312}},{"model":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz","speed":1992,"times":{"user":183203,"nice":0,"sys":60781,"idle":10431093,"irq":796}},{"model":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz","speed":1992,"times":{"user":530000,"nice":0,"sys":232109,"idle":9912968,"irq":2359}},{"model":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz","speed":1992,"times":{"user":252093,"nice":0,"sys":61093,"idle":10361890,"irq":656}},{"model":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz","speed":1992,"times":{"user":351734,"nice":0,"sys":287015,"idle":10036328,"irq":2203}},{"model":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz","speed":1992,"times":{"user":195546,"nice":0,"sys":102593,"idle":10376937,"irq":1140}},{"model":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz","speed":1992,"times":{"user":275468,"nice":0,"sys":218468,"idle":10181140,"irq":1515}},{"model":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz","speed":1992,"times":{"user":228937,"nice":0,"sys":104390,"idle":10341734,"irq":1093}}],"osMemory":{"free":8088870912,"total":17037946880}},"headers":{"x-os-name":"win32","x-cypress-version":"12.15.0"}} and token: s:HpWmiZMwV0nJCRFspn2Whh1vSNADOf7N./dxKKgqiH6+pES/fz35d6NDKe4aVTPpk+A+clZXnI+Y +0ms
  cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +2m
  cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +2m
  cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 } ] } +44ms
  cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +65ms
  cypress:server:cloud:api response 'OK' +621ms
  cypress:server:cypress calling exit 1 +627ms
  cypress:server:cypress about to exit with code 1 +0ms
  cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +637ms
  cypress:proxy:http:util:prerequests metrics: { browserPreRequestsReceived: 842, proxyRequestsReceived: 2004, immediatelyMatchedRequests: 663, unmatchedRequests: 1341, unmatchedPreRequests: 179 } +0ms
  cypress:cli child event fired { event: 'exit', code: 1, signal: null } +5m
  cypress:cli child event fired { event: 'close', code: 1, signal: null } +0ms


Firefox Version: 114.0.2

MikeMcC399 commented 1 year ago


Are you able to provide a sample repo which demonstrates your issue?

Your problem is not reproducible using the example repo

On Windows 11, using Cypress 12.16.0, Node.js 18.16.1, Firefox 114.0.2.

git clone
cd cypress-example-kitchensink
npm ci
npm start

Then in a separate Windows cmd terminal window, execute:

npx cypress run --browser firefox

All 20 tests run and pass. The only problem is with capturing video, which is a known issue (see

  (Run Starting)

  │ Cypress:        12.16.0                                                                        │
  │ Browser:        Firefox 114 (headless)                                                         │
  │ Node Version:   v18.16.1 (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)                                    │
  │ Specs:          20 found (1-getting-started/, 2-advanced-examples/, 2-a │
  │                 dvanced-examples/, 2-advanced-examples/, 2-advan │
  │                 ced-examples/, 2-advanced-examples/, 2-advanced-e │
  │                 xamples/                                                    │
  │ Searched:       cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}                                            │


  (Run Finished)

       Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped
  │ √  1-getting-started/             00:03        6        6        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/        00:16       14       14        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/       00:02        2        2        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/      00:03        9        9        -        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/      00:02        8        8        -        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/        00:02        7        7        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/      00:02       10       10        -        -        - │
  │    js                                                                                          │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/          00:01        4        4        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/       00:01        3        3        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/           00:03        6        6        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/      00:02        3        3        -        -        - │
  │    s                                                                                           │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/network_request      00:05        6        6        -        -        - │
  │                                                                                     │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/       00:02        5        5        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/spies_stubs_clo      00:04        7        7        -        -        - │
  │                                                                                   │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/        00:02        5        5        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/      00:03       18       18        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/      00:03        5        5        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/       00:03        1        1        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/        00:06        2        2        -        -        - │
  │ √  2-advanced-examples/         00:01        3        3        -        -        - │
    √  All specs passed!                        01:14      124      124        -        -        -
nagash77 commented 1 year ago

Hi @M4xymS In order to give our engineers the best chance at recreating your problem, please create a reproducible example using a fork of Cypress Test Tiny. This gives us the best chance of seeing exactly what you are seeing and being able to investigate effectively.

nagash77 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately we have to close this issue due to inactivity. Please comment if there is new information to provide concerning the original issue and we can reopen.