cytoscape / cytoscape-explore

Network visualization webapp.
MIT License
12 stars 4 forks source link

Cytoscape Explore

Required software

Getting started



The following environment variables can be used to configure the server:

Run targets

Running via Docker

Build the container. Here, cytoscape-explore is used as the container name.

cd cytoscape-explore
docker build -t cytoscape-explore .

Run the container:

docker run -it -p 12345:3000 -e "NODE_ENV=production" --name "my-cytoscape-explore" cytoscape-explore



All files /test will be run by Mocha. You can npm run test:mocha to run all tests, or you can run npm run test:mocha -- -g specific-test-name to run specific tests.

Chai is included to make the tests easier to read and write.

By running npm test, you will run the tests, the linting, and a test build.

Publishing a release

  1. Make sure the tests are passing: npm test
  2. Make sure the linting is passing: npm run lint
  3. Bump the version number with npm version, in accordance with semver. The version command in npm updates both package.json and git tags, but note that it uses a v prefix on the tags (e.g. v1.2.3).
  4. For a bug fix / patch release, run npm version patch.
  5. For a new feature release, run npm version minor.
  6. For a breaking API change, run npm version major.
  7. For a specific version number (e.g. 1.2.3), run npm version 1.2.3.
  8. Push the release: git push origin --tags