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Design "subscribe to committee feed" and keywords as part of sign-up / user page #13

Open jayapapaya opened 10 years ago

jaakkokorhonen commented 10 years ago

What is a committee?

Users do not subscribe to feeds, in Activitystreams, there is technically just one feed per node. Users do belong to groups.

Keywords are stored in user profile and consumed by the notification engine, and the newsfeed pages' filtering algorithms.

gvilarino commented 10 years ago

Curreny implementation of subscriptions support subscribing to tags, which admins define through the admin interface.

jaakkokorhonen commented 10 years ago

@jayapapaya can you describe the user benefit sought after here?

jayapapaya commented 10 years ago

User benefit sought after:

User can select, see and edit any keywords they are following on their profile page.

The idea would be that, in addition to user-generated keywords, a set of keywords could be predetermined by who ever sets up an instance (in this case, it would be Guanyem) as a way to priorities and match a taxonomy that exists in the "real world" as in the case of the Guanyem Committees.

Guanyem consists of 12 broad topic based committees:

So the idea is to, as a predifined set of keywords, be able to subscribe to committees.

gvilarino commented 10 years ago

I wouldn't include this to the sign-up flow. It will only create unnecessary friction.