d3-zh-CN / d3

Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. :bar_chart::chart_with_upwards_trend::tada:
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D3: Data-Driven Documents

D3 (or D3.js) is a free, open-source JavaScript library for visualizing data. Its low-level approach built on web standards offers unparalleled flexibility in authoring dynamic, data-driven graphics. For more than a decade D3 has powered groundbreaking and award-winning visualizations, become a foundational building block of higher-level chart libraries, and fostered a vibrant community of data practitioners around the world.



  1. 此项目从官方d3仓库fork
  2. main分支与官方主分支始终保持同步
  3. master分支是中文版本主分支,如果官方分支有更新,可定期进行同步
  4. 进行翻译时,请提issue进行认领,切出自己的开发分支
  5. 命名规则可用例如:zh-CN-d3-axis,最后合并到master分支时,close掉自己提的issue


  1. docs/.vitepress文件下增加了config配置,原先的英文配置直接引入,新增了zh-CN中文配置,后续官方仓库有更新,代码冲突会少一些
  2. 认领想要翻译的任务后,请在 zh-CN文件夹下复制一份原来对应名字的md文件即可