daddyz / phonelib

Ruby gem for phone validation and formatting using google libphonenumber library data
MIT License
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Area code for US 888 phone number returns nil #318

Closed bdewater-thatch closed 1 month ago

bdewater-thatch commented 1 month ago

Libphonenumber demo:

****Parsing Result:****
{"country_code":1,"national_number":8889653214,"raw_input":"+1(888) 965-3214","country_code_source":1}

****Validation Results:****
Result from isPossibleNumber(): true
Result from isValidNumber(): true
Result from isValidNumberForRegion(): true
Phone Number region: US
Result from getNumberType(): TOLL_FREE

****Formatting Results:**** 
E164 format: +18889653214
Original format: +1 888-965-3214
National format: (888) 965-3214
International format: +1 888-965-3214
Out-of-country format from US: 1 (888) 965-3214
Out-of-country format from Switzerland: 00 1 888-965-3214
Format for mobile dialing (calling from US): +1 888-965-3214
Format for national dialing with preferred carrier code and empty fallback carrier code: (888) 965-3214

****AsYouTypeFormatter Results****
Char entered: + Output: +
Char entered: 1 Output: +1
Char entered: ( Output: +1(
Char entered: 8 Output: +1(8
Char entered: 8 Output: +1(88
Char entered: 8 Output: +1(888
Char entered: ) Output: +1(888)
Char entered:   Output: +1(888) 
Char entered: 9 Output: +1(888) 9
Char entered: 6 Output: +1(888) 96
Char entered: 5 Output: +1(888) 965
Char entered: - Output: +1(888) 965-
Char entered: 3 Output: +1(888) 965-3
Char entered: 2 Output: +1(888) 965-32
Char entered: 1 Output: +1(888) 965-321
Char entered: 4 Output: +1(888) 965-3214


phone = Phonelib.parse "+1(888) 965-3214", "US"
# => true
# => [:toll_free]
# => nil

I was expecting this to return 888 instead of nil?

daddyz commented 1 month ago

@bdewater-thatch this actually makes sense, area code is impossible for tollfree numbers, it's a non-geographical phone number. It is returned for fixed or mobile phones only.