daeken / ReCurta

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Assembly #3

Open neilpanchal opened 6 years ago

neilpanchal commented 6 years ago

Is there a final assembly file, preferably in Solidworks? I've watched and looked at several documents including the service manual, but there is no way I can figure out how to assemble the parts in this repository into a final Solidworks assembly.

tswaugh commented 6 years ago

There's an assembly video out there for the 3x scale 3D printed Curta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zh2Z11miQ0w

neilpanchal commented 6 years ago

@tswaugh No, I didn't mean physical assembly. I meant assembly of CAD parts. In Solidworks, you can build an assembly (.sldasm) from individual parts (.sldprt). It is just not putting parts together in CAD, but putting the right axial rotation, translation, angular constraints including spring tension.