daisycrego / jbg-admin

Admin app for Jill Biggs Group follow-up boss event management
1 stars 0 forks source link

`events/sync` API endpoint #4

Closed daisycrego closed 3 years ago

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

The events/sync GET route will basically run a data retrieval/update routine to manage the Events backend. This GET route is called by the frontend after the user clicks the "Sync Events" button. When "Sync Events" is clicked, the user should receive some kind of a notification that the sync is in progress or was completed, maybe a snackbar notification.

The events/sync route will:

  1. Query the FUB API for all events, passing the maximum possible offset (100?) or use the next attribute to get the next page of results (apparently the paging is faster, I have to clarify how it would work):

    next (string): To get the next page of results, set this to the value returned in _metadata.next, or use the URL from _metadata.nextLink directly. offset (int32): Specifies the number of rows to skip, before starting to return results. NOTE: for more efficient paging, please use the "next" param instead.

  2. Compare the IDs of the results to the event IDs already in the database. If the most recent event queries matches one already in the database, don't continue looking. Otherwise, for each event, create a new Event object and add it to the database.

  3. Return a set of the latest events to the frontend (pagination limited).

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Result of a query to the FUB API:

Response {
  size: 0,
  timeout: 0,
  [Symbol(Body internals)]: {
    body: PassThrough {
      _readableState: [ReadableState],
      readable: true,
      _events: [Object: null prototype],
      _eventsCount: 5,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      _writableState: [WritableState],
      writable: true,
      allowHalfOpen: true,
      _transformState: [Object],
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
    disturbed: false,
    error: null
  [Symbol(Response internals)]: {
    url: 'https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events?limit=10&offset=0',
    status: 200,
    statusText: 'OK',
    headers: Headers { [Symbol(map)]: [Object: null prototype] },
    counter: 0
  _metadata: {
    collection: 'events',
    offset: 0,
    limit: 10,
    total: 82493,
    next: 'eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4NzY0OX0',
    nextLink: 'https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events?limit=10&next=eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4NzY0OX0',
    notice: 'X-System not set, please see https://docs.followupboss.com/reference#identification to register your system. Registered systems are allowed more requests per second, and you will be notified about important changes to the API which may affect your integration.'
  events: [
      id: 87659,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:21:19Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:21:19Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:21:19Z',
      personId: 46886,
      message: '[This lead asked for help with this property, but didn’t respond when we reached out. Follow up or set a reminder.]\n' +
        '\n' +
        'Requested Tour on Sun, May 16th 8am',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Zillow Flex',
      type: 'Property Inquiry',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87658,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:19:36Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:19:36Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:19:36Z',
      personId: 46616,
      message: '',
      description: 'Ylopo ID: 20631683',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Registration',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: null
      id: 87657,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:18:11Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:18:11Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:18:11Z',
      personId: 46885,
      message: 'I am interested in 508-508.5 Monmouth St, Jersey City, NJ 07302.\n' +
        '[We connected you with this lead over the phone. Add notes from your call.]',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Zillow Flex',
      type: 'Property Inquiry',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87656,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:15:33Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:15:33Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:15:33Z',
      personId: 45632,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87655,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:15:01Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:15:01Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:15:01Z',
      personId: 43478,
      message: '',
      description: 'Ylopo ID: 20631589',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Registration',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: null
      id: 87654,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:14:41Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:14:41Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:14:41Z',
      personId: 45632,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87652,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:13:56Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:13:56Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:13:56Z',
      personId: 45632,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87651,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:13:13Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:13:13Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:13:13Z',
      personId: 45632,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87650,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:12:41Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:12:41Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:12:41Z',
      personId: 45632,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87649,
      created: '2021-05-19T14:11:19Z',
      updated: '2021-05-19T14:11:19Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-19T14:11:19Z',
      personId: 41475,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
daisycrego commented 3 years ago

The response contains:

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Events appear to have unique IDs, and so we can use this as a starting point to compare the events. We can store this ID in the mongo database for each Event object, and then use that as the point of comparison to know whether or not an event already exists in the database.

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Issue with "Sync Events" button:

{ _id: 60a531e46c6c8a0103de4c5c, id: 87736, created: 2021-05-19T15:42:15.000+00:00, updated: 2021-05-19T15:42:15.000+00:00, personId: 46738, noteId: null, source: "Ylopo", property: Object, id: 9563, street: "205 Park Ave 6", city: "Hoboken", state: "NJ", code: "07030", mlsNumber: "210010256", price: "549000", forRent: "0", url: "http://lauren.thejillbiggsgroup.com/listing-detail/108560198", type: "", bedrooms: "1", bathrooms: "2.0", area: "770", lot: null, lat: "40.739410", lng: "-74.032845", __v: 0, }

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

I tried to up the limit to 5, and then I ran into a different problem: 'You have reached the rate limit for number of requests given the current window. Please see https://docs.followupboss.com/reference#rate-limiting for more details.'

Maybe I need to set the limit to 100 to avoid this, there aren't currently that many events. BUT, I also need to be aware that I could encounter this error again, check for it, display it in the UI if that does happen, and maybe even do a 10 second wait until the rate-limiting window has closed, to retry. The FUB API doc's rate-limiting notes:

Context Limit Endpoints associated Method
POST.events unlimited* /v1/events POST
events 20 /v1/events GET
global 250 N/A N/A
daisycrego commented 3 years ago

That's fine, I just need to think about how to work around the limits. This could include simply waiting until the retry window lapses, and I can add some helpful indications to the user that the process is still running, something like that. But also, upping the limit to 100 (from 5) is going to be a huge help practically, BUT it's still kind of important to build these things into the system at 5, where we know we'll hit the rate limiting, just in case.

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Found out a really neat way to print all of my console logs to an output file (for the server code, pretty sure the clientside code is stiill printing to the browser console). I added these redirects to the node call in nodemon.json, which is what's called by yarn development in the case of this app:

    "verbose": false,
    "watch": [
    "exec": "webpack --mode=development --config webpack.config.server.js && node ./dist/server.generated.js > app.log 2>&1"

Now, all of the outputs are logged to a file, so I can really get into these details and figure out what's wrong. Here's the latest app.log from running the app with a limit of 5 and pressing the Sync Events button:

path: /Users/porkchop/jbg/jbg-admin/src/.env
  env: 'development',
  port: '3000',
  jwtSecret: 'hosVkop2wYuLdHrSuOULhldJtbfjLeNO9NojpndKIU3LZevSHWsfvX8bpYAd9UkfYNP4I+XVjok9886U9oQMJu8xMSePsAICfVG1kGdk3+n/SWCYQmvbS8Rx2LQPYKhSp7y4OtmcFEaHI9JN10/rR6bF72NkScmwgj4P6ZqPZCroWRd5y65S8QFnwHRo2ZMlzwXGOV56mMEpvS1J/mwDn3MhtJhwBOD/z5ZwBa4tFs7Tt71RG/MJcOqOOp70286USaJED7Xk1b4xQpVZXuau2c+dgzrHe4SXR+oZQdTvxD1fOOKggzObXWxdVXBM38DHLgOpaOS8sTg3hgRupiR2xw==',
  basicAuth: 'MmM1OTRjYTI0M2QwZDliMDhlNDYyNzE0MjE4MmQ0YzMyMmZjYWU6Cg==',
  mongoUri: 'mongodb+srv://builderbook-admin:AfoZfPrUvEaXkmxQ@buildercluster.tafza.mongodb.net/jbgadmin?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
Server started on port 3000.
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ℹ 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.
syncEvents API route:
  Accept: 'application/json',
  Authorization: 'Basic MmM1OTRjYTI0M2QwZDliMDhlNDYyNzE0MjE4MmQ0YzMyMmZjYWU6Cg=='
Performing the initial fetch
continueFetching: true
  _metadata: {
    collection: 'events',
    offset: 0,
    limit: 5,
    total: 82829,
    next: 'eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5OH0',
    nextLink: 'https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events?limit=5&next=eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5OH0',
    notice: 'X-System not set, please see https://docs.followupboss.com/reference#identification to register your system. Registered systems are allowed more requests per second, and you will be notified about important changes to the API which may affect your integration.'
  events: [
      id: 88002,
      created: '2021-05-20T15:09:19Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T15:09:19Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T15:09:19Z',
      personId: 46920,
      message: 'I am interested in 204 Willow Ave APT 4L, Hoboken, NJ 07030.',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: 143534,
      source: 'Zillow',
      type: 'Property Inquiry',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 88001,
      created: '2021-05-20T15:03:05Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T15:03:05Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T15:03:05Z',
      personId: 29172,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Visited Website',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: null
      id: 88000,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:59:17Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:59:17Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:59:17Z',
      personId: 46920,
      message: 'I am interested in 204 Willow Ave APT 4L, Hoboken, NJ 07030.\n' +
        '[We connected you with this lead over the phone. Add notes from your call.]',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Zillow Flex',
      type: 'Property Inquiry',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87999,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:51:57Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:51:57Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:51:57Z',
      personId: 46893,
      message: "Renter's Preferred Tour: In Person",
      description: 'HOUSE IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN',
      additional: [],
      noteId: 143532,
      source: 'StreetEasy',
      type: 'Property Inquiry',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87998,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:43:00Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:43:00Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:43:00Z',
      personId: 45850,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
Events found, processing them

First fetch is complete
continueFetching: true
Starting the next fetch at https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events?limit=5&next=eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5OH0
  _metadata: {
    collection: 'events',
    offset: 0,
    limit: 5,
    total: 82829,
    next: 'eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5Mn0',
    nextLink: 'https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events?limit=5&next=eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5Mn0',
    notice: 'X-System not set, please see https://docs.followupboss.com/reference#identification to register your system. Registered systems are allowed more requests per second, and you will be notified about important changes to the API which may affect your integration.'
  events: [
      id: 87997,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:42:35Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:42:35Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:42:35Z',
      personId: 45850,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
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      id: 87995,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:42:31Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:42:31Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:42:31Z',
      personId: 45850,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87994,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      personId: 16581,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87993,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      personId: 16581,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Visited Website',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: null
      id: 87992,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:40:05Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:40:05Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:40:05Z',
      personId: 45850,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]

Starting the next fetch at https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events?limit=5&next=eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5OH0
  _metadata: {
    collection: 'events',
    offset: 0,
    limit: 5,
    total: 82829,
    next: 'eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5Mn0',
    nextLink: 'https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events?limit=5&next=eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5Mn0',
    notice: 'X-System not set, please see https://docs.followupboss.com/reference#identification to register your system. Registered systems are allowed more requests per second, and you will be notified about important changes to the API which may affect your integration.'
  events: [
      id: 87997,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:42:35Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:42:35Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:42:35Z',
      personId: 45850,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
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      id: 87995,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:42:31Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:42:31Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:42:31Z',
      personId: 45850,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87994,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      personId: 16581,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87993,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      personId: 16581,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Visited Website',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: null
      id: 87992,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:40:05Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:40:05Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:40:05Z',
      personId: 45850,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]

Starting the next fetch at https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events?limit=5&next=eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5OH0
  _metadata: {
    collection: 'events',
    offset: 0,
    limit: 5,
    total: 82829,
    next: 'eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5Mn0',
    nextLink: 'https://api.followupboss.com/v1/events?limit=5&next=eyJzaW5jZUlkIjo4Nzk5Mn0',
    notice: 'X-System not set, please see https://docs.followupboss.com/reference#identification to register your system. Registered systems are allowed more requests per second, and you will be notified about important changes to the API which may affect your integration.'
  events: [
      id: 87997,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:42:35Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:42:35Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:42:35Z',
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      message: '',
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      additional: [],
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      type: 'Viewed Property',
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      id: 87995,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:42:31Z',
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      personId: 45850,
      message: '',
      description: '',
      additional: [],
      noteId: null,
      source: 'Ylopo',
      type: 'Viewed Property',
      pageTitle: null,
      pageUrl: null,
      pageDuration: 0,
      property: [Object]
      id: 87994,
      created: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      updated: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      occurred: '2021-05-20T14:40:15Z',
      personId: 16581,
      message: '',
      description: '',
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      mlsNumber: '202022820',
      price: '535000',
      forRent: '0',
      url: 'http://search.thejillbiggsgroup.com/listing-detail/106661137',
      type: '',
      bedrooms: '2',
      bathrooms: '1.0',
      area: '665',
      lot: null,
      lat: '40.746468',
      lng: '-74.034676'
    __v: 0
    _id: 60a67f8d8877cd09dd963481,
    id: 87994,
    created: 2021-05-20T14:40:15.000Z,
    updated: 2021-05-20T14:40:15.000Z,
    personId: 16581,
    noteId: null,
    source: 'Ylopo',
    property: {
      id: 4330,
      street: '717 Adams St 1r',
      city: 'Hoboken',
      state: 'NJ',
      code: '07030',
      mlsNumber: '202022820',
      price: '535000',
      forRent: '0',
      url: 'http://search.thejillbiggsgroup.com/listing-detail/106661137',
      type: '',
      bedrooms: '2',
      bathrooms: '1.0',
      area: '665',
      lot: null,
      lat: '40.746468',
      lng: '-74.034676'
    __v: 0
Event already exists...
    _id: 60a67f8d8877cd09dd96347a,
    id: 87993,
    created: 2021-05-20T14:40:15.000Z,
    updated: 2021-05-20T14:40:15.000Z,
    personId: 16581,
    noteId: null,
    source: 'Ylopo',
    property: null,
    __v: 0
    _id: 60a67f8d8877cd09dd96347f,
    id: 87993,
    created: 2021-05-20T14:40:15.000Z,
    updated: 2021-05-20T14:40:15.000Z,
    personId: 16581,
    noteId: null,
    source: 'Ylopo',
    property: null,
    __v: 0
Event already exists...
    _id: 60a67f8d8877cd09dd96347c,
    id: 87992,
    created: 2021-05-20T14:40:05.000Z,
    updated: 2021-05-20T14:40:05.000Z,
    personId: 45850,
    noteId: null,
    source: 'Ylopo',
    property: {
      id: 9632,
      street: '162 Clerk St 3',
      city: 'Jc, Greenville',
      state: 'NJ',
      code: '07305',
      mlsNumber: '202028768',
      price: '249900',
      forRent: '0',
      url: 'http://search.thejillbiggsgroup.com/listing-detail/100056854',
      type: '',
      bedrooms: '3',
      bathrooms: '1.0',
      area: '810',
      lot: null,
      lat: '40.709164',
      lng: '-74.075287'
    __v: 0
    _id: 60a67f8d8877cd09dd963480,
    id: 87992,
    created: 2021-05-20T14:40:05.000Z,
    updated: 2021-05-20T14:40:05.000Z,
    personId: 45850,
    noteId: null,
    source: 'Ylopo',
    property: {
      id: 9632,
      street: '162 Clerk St 3',
      city: 'Jc, Greenville',
      state: 'NJ',
      code: '07305',
      mlsNumber: '202028768',
      price: '249900',
      forRent: '0',
      url: 'http://search.thejillbiggsgroup.com/listing-detail/100056854',
      type: '',
      bedrooms: '3',
      bathrooms: '1.0',
      area: '810',
      lot: null,
      lat: '40.709164',
      lng: '-74.075287'
    __v: 0
Event already exists...
  errorMessage: 'You have reached the rate limit for number of requests given the current window. Please see https://docs.followupboss.com/reference#rate-limiting for more details.'
daisycrego commented 3 years ago

I think the first part of the sequence goes correct, the first 2 fetches. I correctly pull the nextLink from the first retrieved _metadata, but then I seem to continue using that one? Because I proceed to then make the same query multiple times and I get the Event already exists... message in the console. Checking the mongodb, 15 events are created, and 10 are really just the same query repeated twice, you can see from the ID numbers.

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

I was able to fix that bug in my code, where the nextLink for the previous set of events kept getting reused, after the first round of events, it has to do purely with the way I chose to code this, which isn't great. Anyway, now I seem to be continuously fetching page after page of data, yay, and then hitting the rate-limiting requirements still, because my page limit is only 5 and there are 80,000 data points. Might want do add some time constraints in here as well... and increase the limits... but first, need to handle this error case and make sure it reaches the USER! Just in case rate limits are exceeded in the future.

Maybe I need a snackbar to keep the user updated on which events have been retrieved and added to the database, whatever errors have occurred, and notifications more generally. I've added a snackbar to another project recently, I think builderbook, but it could have been notedly. Snackbar is a material UI component, fyi.

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

I really want to recreate this rate-limiting issue and deal with it directly. I set the page limit to 1, printed out what the result of my fetch call is to the FUB API each time (after running .json() on the result, and from my console logs I could see clearly what the expected error message will be when we run into the rate-limiting issue:

  errorMessage: 'You have reached the rate limit for number of requests given the current window. Please see https://docs.followupboss.com/reference#rate-limiting for more details.'
daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Added a Snackbar to handle displaying the notifications from the Sync Events event.

daisycrego commented 3 years ago
daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Issue: If there is a Too many requests response, we need to wait for the length of retry-after from the headers (response.headers.get('retry-after')), and then we need to both (a) return to the user a response that the request is going to take some time, but is running (and could be cancelled?), and (b) try requesting again after the time has lapsed. I'm sure there is a standard way to handle retrys out there, I don't need to reinvent the wheel.

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

What I'm doing could be considered CPU-intensive. I want to send a response that this process is going to take awhile and then continue working for as long as I need. I need a background process or a queue.

Node.js task queues:

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Before we launch right into another dependency, etc., let's clarify the approach, and what we want to get out of the solution. Reiterating the problem is a good place to start, because this could easily be a YAGNI.

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Rather than scheduling this as a separate job, I'm just running the code where it is, on the server, and not worrying too much about getting right back to the user. The user is an admin and can wait, and now the page is successfully able to pull all the events from the last 2 days, per the current settings.

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Alright - I added in another snackbar notification for when the sync is done. And removed the snackbar notification for the API error. Instead I actually try and resolve that error on the server and do a delay before querying the FUB API again.

Now, the next issue is that I have over 1000 events all rendering on the same page, no pagination or anything. I need some pagination because I'm getting major lag otherwise.

daisycrego commented 3 years ago

Add a material-ui Table with custom pagination to the Events page component. We can actually exchange that for the current More/Less feature, it's a much better solution, the user can decide how to display the rows/pages themselves, and it looks cleaner as well and will lead to fewer crazy edge cases.