dalek-cryptography / curve25519-dalek

A pure-Rust implementation of group operations on Ristretto and Curve25519
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Elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (decoding RistrettoPoints) #604

Open cchudant opened 8 months ago

cchudant commented 8 months ago

Hi! As part of a freelance work for xelis, I have been working on an implementation of FastECDLP. My implementation works, and is quite fast :partying_face:

However, my work currently lives in a fork of this repository, because there are quite a lot of private items I need to access! Here is my implementation as of the current state: compare changes. It is still lacking in docs, tests and stuff.

Here are the private items I need to access:

I may have missed some, but FieldElement is the most important part. Considering that, I'd like to know what the best course of action here is:

tarcieri commented 8 months ago

As far as FieldElement access goes, TwistedEdwardsPoint::Base would be one way of exposing it, at least when the next release of the group crate is available: https://github.com/zkcrypto/group/pull/49/files#diff-df25442eb916a316f39ccb89f7d38163eb8ca60413100a61b2848b17a4aad175R21

cchudant commented 8 months ago

As of right now, what do you think I should do then?

tarcieri commented 8 months ago

FieldElement is otherwise deliberately not part of the public API, though could potentially be exposed as "hazmat", though personally I'd prefer to wait for group-based APIs to expose it

cchudant commented 8 months ago

Thank you. FieldElement being deliberately not part of the public API is what I expected.

I did not know the group crate existed. I think you are right and it would be better if I were to use that. I have however a big concern: the PR you linked is a draft and has not received any update since July 30th. I'd like to get my work over the finish line as fast as possible, and I don't think I'll be available to do the needed refactor and cleanup when the group-based APIs will land.

tarcieri commented 8 months ago

Given your need to couple to the internals either opening a PR or maintaining the fork sound like options. If you're in a hurry the latter sounds like the most practical option.