If you have an array of WebSocketts created to listen for different servers and you receive a peer disconnected I can find no way to tell which of the WebSockets this message was for... The WebSockets are not "Equatable" in swift and on the didReceive we only get the WebSocketEvent and WebSocketClient passed in... Should not WebSocketClient be assigned a UUID or something to identify it so we can tell which of our WebSockets this event was for? I need to take action for the appropriate WebSocket when the WebSocket disconnects.
If you have an array of WebSocketts created to listen for different servers and you receive a peer disconnected I can find no way to tell which of the WebSockets this message was for... The WebSockets are not "Equatable" in swift and on the didReceive we only get the WebSocketEvent and WebSocketClient passed in... Should not WebSocketClient be assigned a UUID or something to identify it so we can tell which of our WebSockets this event was for? I need to take action for the appropriate WebSocket when the WebSocket disconnects.