danbee / persephone

macOS MPD client written in Swift.
MIT License
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No volume/artwork #58

Closed adam-barta closed 3 years ago

adam-barta commented 4 years ago

Any ideas how to unmute audio and view album artwork? Thanks for a great looking OSX app! Untitled Edit: It appears to be an MPD issue as I am having the same problem in another client. Please disregard.

MonsieurPommesFrites commented 4 years ago

I also don't have artwork, but on the M.A.L.P. client on Android the artwork is correctly displayed. Also, certain songs don't show up in the library, whereas again on the Android app they are visible.

Otherwise, many thanks for a great app!

danbee commented 4 years ago

@lparsonsp For the volume control to work you probably need to add the line mixer_type "software" to your audio output configuration in MPD.

I'm not sure why you're not getting album art. What version of MPD are you running? The ability to fetch album art was a fairly recent addition.

danbee commented 4 years ago

It looks like M.A.L.P. fetches album art from the internet via MusicBrainz and other similar services. Persephone doesn't do that yet. You'll need to have album art in each album directory named "cover.jpg" or "folder.jpg" so that MPD can send it along to the client.

Also, Persephone is very album focused which might explain why some tracks are not displaying. Can you give me some more details about the tracks you're not seeing? Are they tracks within albums or just single songs?

adam-barta commented 4 years ago

@lparsonsp For the volume control to work you probably need to add the line mixer_type "software" to your audio output configuration in MPD.

I'm not sure why you're not getting album art. What version of MPD are you running? The ability to fetch album art was a fairly recent addition.

I don't have the album art as a separate file so that's the issue there. No problem.

mixer_type "software" worked for volume control.

Does persephone output audio (maybe via httpd?) if the mpd server is on a remote desktop or is it simply used as a controller if you had the mpd server on your local machine? Maybe I'm misunderstanding the purpose of the application. Thanks!

MonsieurPommesFrites commented 4 years ago

Thanks Dan for getting back to me. I'm running mpd version 0.21.5 on armbian. I do not have album artwork in the directories. I'll look for a script that downloads the artwork.

I am missing a whole album. The band name contains an &, not sure, but that's maybe a reason for the error.

MonsieurPommesFrites commented 4 years ago

My bad, the missing album was a metadata issue. Once I adjusted the metadata, the album showed up.

danbee commented 4 years ago

@MonsieurPommesFrites What was the problem with your metadata? I'd like to know because it's possible I'm doing something in Persephone that's breaking things.

MonsieurPommesFrites commented 4 years ago

I decided to organize my whole library using the linux tool beets. Once I did the beets import (which modified metadata) the album showed up on Persephone. Unfortunately I don't know exactly what changed, as I don't have the old files anymore.

Nemo157 commented 4 years ago

One thing I've noticed is that the next version of MPD adds a new readpicture command to get artwork from the file metadata, so that you don't need a separate album art file. It should be possible for Persephone to try and request albumart first then fallback to readpicture if that doesn't exist.