danchitnis / webgl-plot

A high-Performance real-time 2D plotting library based on native WebGL
MIT License
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grid and axis #55

Closed vinnitu closed 4 years ago

vinnitu commented 4 years ago

I need grid (axis) on the graph for time series data.

Do you plan to add this feature?

danchitnis commented 4 years ago

See this example: https://codesandbox.io/s/webglplot-gird-b41j9?file=/src/index.ts

You can make more complicated examples, calculating the grid lines and displaying them. Inherently grids are just another set of lines. I may add some features in WebGL-Plot to facilitate this, but untimely it is up to the developer to make the grids.

danchitnis commented 4 years ago

Example provided here: https://danchitnis.github.io/webgl-plot-examples/vanilla/grid.html

federicomassa commented 3 years ago

What about displaying axis text, e.g. on the axes ticks? Thanks!