danfeldman90 / EDGE

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inner wall for PTD - collate and EDGE issue #20

Closed cespaillat closed 9 years ago

cespaillat commented 9 years ago

I am stuck in an error loop...

In edge.py ....

When I do


I get the error

IOError: DATAINIT: Job you supplied is not an inner wall or needs to be collated again!

However, it is indeed an inner wall (T=1400), I just ran it with an outer disk because...

In collate.py

when I try to run collate where I just run an inner wall (no matching outer disk) I get the error

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () ----> 1 collate(path, 407, name, path) /projectnb/bu-disks/scripts/collate.pyc in collate(path, jobnum, name, destination, optthin, clob, high, noextinct, noangle, nowall, nophot, noscatt) 271 272 if noangle == 0: --> 273 angle = ascii.read(glob(path+'angle_'+name+'_'+jobnum+'_')[0], data_start = 1) 274 axis['ANGAXIS'] = axis_count 275 IndexError: list index out of range However, if works if I have a matching outer disk.
danfeldman90 commented 9 years ago

Collate and EDGE should now work for inner walls. In job_file_create(), now set iwall=1 to create a job file where only ISILCOM and IWALLDUST are set to 1. Then when collate runs, you can run a large loop and nothing will crash -- instead, the inner walls will be tagged with the "fail" tag and will show up in failCheck(). To avoid this, collate has to have the angle and extinction correction keywords changed from the default. The fail tag won't screw up EDGE, so you don't have to make it "work flawlessly" if you don't want to.

However, if you want to create inner wall jobs in addition to disk jobs, you either need two separate loops, or you need to add an if statement to differentiate the two, since they have different values for the "iwall" keyword.