dangkh / DataVisu

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Data visualization peer review - Group F #3

Open LeNguyenNhatMinh opened 3 months ago

LeNguyenNhatMinh commented 3 months ago

I will be giving a few comments to your group proposal as follow:

Question 1: Data Analysis Plan: The plan to analyze spending patterns across different age groups and genders for each gift category is clear and straightforward. The use of separate datasets for age ("gifts_age.pdf") and gender ("gifts_gender.pdf") simplifies the approach and makes it focused. Visualization Techniques: The choice of bar charts and line charts for visualizing spending across age groups is appropriate, as bar charts can effectively compare spending across categories and age groups, while line charts could help in identifying trends. However, for gender comparison, side-by-side bar charts or even stacked bar charts might offer a clearer visualization of differences in spending habits between genders across various gift categories.

Question 2: Data Analysis Plan: The approach to analyzing overall and per-person spending over the years, along with spending on different gift categories, is comprehensive. The plan to integrate economic indicators and significant events into the analysis is ambitious but highly relevant, as it could uncover deeper insights into consumer behavior changes over time. Visualization Techniques: Using line charts or area charts for visualizing spending trends over time is suitable. These visualizations can effectively show changes and trends, making it easier to spot patterns or anomalies. To analyze the relationship between spending and economic/events indicators, scatter plots with trend lines or bubble charts could also be considered, as they can visually represent correlations or impacts.

tienvu95 commented 3 months ago

make sense to suggest side-to-side bar chart for each gender. I mean for this dataset, it's hard to visualize and your suggestion seems to be the best one.

For qn2, as they also has the time dimension, buble chart might be more suitable (even though I havn't thought about how the chart will look like)

dangkh commented 3 months ago

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on our proposal. We appreciate your thorough evaluation. We will take your suggestion into consider and revise our proposal. Once again, thank you for your insightful feedback.