daniel-bogdoll / ad-datasets

Complete* list of autonomous driving related datasets
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#Ciations for papers without arXiv or DOI #36

Open daniel-bogdoll opened 2 years ago

daniel-bogdoll commented 2 years ago

Hey Felix,

there are a few papers that were published without an arXiv entry or DOI. This one is an example:

{ "id": "Argoverse 2", "href": "https://www.argoverse.org/av2.html", "relatedPaper": "https://datasets-benchmarks-proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2021/file/4734ba6f3de83d861c3176a6273cac6d-Paper-round2.pdf" },

The Neurips Proceedings do not provide a DOI: https://datasets-benchmarks-proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2021/hash/4734ba6f3de83d861c3176a6273cac6d-Abstract-round2.html

However, SemanticScholar has the paper listed and provides the number of citations: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Argoverse-2%3A-Next-Generation-Datasets-for-and-Wilson-Qi/048056c0321876c0d582c3bf40b1883cda9260d5#citing-papers

Maybe we should check for the few remaining papers, if it would always be a solution to choose a third option, such as the Corpus ID (Corpus ID: 244906596) provided by SemanticScholar?

daniel-bogdoll commented 2 years ago

Also, the README is incomplete right now. Please add a section, were you explain which information is necessary (basically explaining the traffic light system) and include the new fields, such as DOI