danielmiessler / fabric

fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
MIT License
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[Question]: Error when using the command "pip install ." and "fabric --setup" #901

Closed Jusscon closed 1 week ago

Jusscon commented 4 weeks ago

What is your question?

I get this error everytime i try to use "pipx install ." pipx install . ERROR: Directory '/home/vigilante' is not installable. Neither 'setup.py' nor 'pyproject.toml' found. Cannot determine package name from spec '/home/vigilante'. Check package spec for errors. Could you please help me?

Huntemall commented 3 weeks ago

**Thats because the packages are written in go. pip is python. You should read the README.md The file on the first page. Thanks let us know if you need more help. **

hvega6 commented 1 week ago

It says you need to install go so that you can run the command fabric. I am having trouble installing https://go.dev/dl/.

eugeis commented 1 week ago

Please check README.md, after Go ist installed, here is how to install, or you can download binaries from the release page:

Here my output:

`❯ go install github.com/danielmiessler/fabric@latest go: downloading github.com/danielmiessler/fabric v1.4.21

~ via 🐹 v1.23.1 took 14s ❯ fabric no session, pattern or user messages provided

~ via 🐹 v1.23.1 ❯ fabric -h Usage: fabric [OPTIONS]

Application Options: -p, --pattern= Choose a pattern -v, --variable= Values for pattern variables, e.g. -v=$name:John -v=$age:30 -C, --context= Choose a context --session= Choose a session -S, --setup Run setup --setup-skip-update-patterns Skip update patterns at setup -t, --temperature= Set temperature (default: 0.7) -T, --topp= Set top P (default: 0.9) -s, --stream Stream -P, --presencepenalty= Set presence penalty (default: 0.0) -r, --raw Use the defaults of the model without sending chat options (like temperature etc.) and use the user role instead of the system role for patterns. -F, --frequencypenalty= Set frequency penalty (default: 0.0) -l, --listpatterns List all patterns -L, --listmodels List all available models -x, --listcontexts List all contexts -X, --listsessions List all sessions -U, --updatepatterns Update patterns -c, --copy Copy to clipboard -m, --model= Choose model -o, --output= Output to file -n, --latest= Number of latest patterns to list (default: 0) -d, --changeDefaultModel Change default pattern -y, --youtube= YouTube video url to grab transcript, comments from it and send to chat --transcript Grab transcript from YouTube video and send to chat --comments Grab comments from YouTube video and send to chat --dry-run Show what would be sent to the model without actually sending it -u, --scrape_url= Scrape website URL to markdown using Jina AI -q, --scrape_question= Search question using Jina AI

Help Options: -h, --help Show this help message`