Closed EOGrady21 closed 6 years ago
Thanks. CR and I discussed this today, and I think we agree that we ought to have another function that does arbitrary rotations of (somewhat) arbitrary objects.
The reason you're getting the error is that applyMagneticDeclination
only works for objects of class cm
(for current meters), and you are supplying it with an array.
PS. I'm going to edit your comment, putting in what are called "code fences" so that the code segments will be colourized.
If @Echisholm21 and @richardsc want to suggest a function name, that would help. I suppose the function should be able to take more than one angle (e.g. a person might want to rotate about a vertical axis and then a horizontal axis) but that might be confusing to the user so maybe it would be best to have a function to rotate about the z axis, another about the x axis, etc. Hm, C, we ought to have written something on paper when we were chatting...
Below is some R code that shows how to tackle this problem. The first part is a trial function that may go into oce (hence the "roxygen" comments ... these would get turned into documentation when "oce" is built) and the second part is a test (in fact, it's the test that will be accomplished by using example(rotateAboutZ)
if this makes it into "oce".
I'd be interested in comments from @Echisholm21 and the oce developers on this potential function (and, particularly, its name and the phrasing of the documentation I've sketched).
## 1: code that may go into oce
#' Rotate velocity components within an oce object
#' @param x An oce object of class \code{adp}, \code{adv} or \code{cm}.
#' @param angle The rotation angle about the z axis, in degrees counterclockwise.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' par(mfcol=c(2, 3))
#' # adp (acoustic Doppler profiler)
#' data(adp)
#' plot(adp, which="uv")
#' mtext("adp", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
#' adpRotated <- rotateAboutZ(adp, 30)
#' plot(adpRotated, which="uv")
#' mtext("adp rotated 30 deg", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
#' # adv (acoustic Doppler velocimeter)
#' data(adv)
#' plot(adv, which="uv")
#' mtext("adv", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
#' advRotated <- rotateAboutZ(adv, 125)
#' plot(advRotated, which="uv")
#' mtext("adv rotated 125 deg", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
#' # cm (current meter)
#' data(cm)
#' plot(cm, which="uv")
#' mtext("cm", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
#' cmRotated <- rotateAboutZ(cm, 30)
#' plot(cmRotated, which="uv")
#' mtext("cm rotated 30 deg", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
#' @family things related to \code{adp} data
#' @family things related to \code{adv} data
#' @family things related to \code{cm} data
rotateAboutZ <- function(x, angle)
S <- sin(angle * pi / 180)
C <- cos(angle * pi / 180)
rotation <- matrix(c(C, S, -S, C), nrow=2)
res <- x
if (inherits(x, "adp")) {
if (x[["oceCoordinate"]] != "enu")
stop("cannot rotate adp unless coordinate system is 'enu'; see ?toEnu or ?xyzToEnu")
V <- x[["v"]]
## Work through the bins, transforming a 3D array operation to a
## sequence of 2D matrix operations.
for (j in seq_len(dim(V)[2])) {
uvr <- rotation %*% t(V[, j, 1:2])
V[, j, 1] <- uvr[1, ]
V[, j, 2] <- uvr[2, ]
res@data$v <- V
} else if (inherits(x, "adv")) {
if (x[["oceCoordinate"]] != "enu")
stop("cannot rotate adv unless coordinate system is 'enu'; see ?toEnu or ?xyzToEnu")
V <- x[["v"]]
uvr <- rotation %*% t(V[, 1:2])
V[, 1] <- uvr[1, ]
V[, 2] <- uvr[2, ]
res@data$v <- V
} else if (inherits(x, "cm")) {
uvr <- rotation %*% rbind(x@data$u, x@data$v)
res@data$u <- uvr[1, ]
res@data$v <- uvr[2, ]
} else {
stop("cannot handle objects of type '", class(x), "'")
## Update processing log
res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog,
paste("rotateAboutZ(x, angle=", angle, ")", sep=""))
## 2: test (bottom panels should have data aligned vertically)
par(mfcol=c(2, 3))
plot(adp, which="uv")
mtext("adp", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
adpRotated <- rotateAboutZ(adp, 30)
plot(adpRotated, which="uv")
mtext("adp rotated 30 deg", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
plot(adv, which="uv")
mtext("adv", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
advRotated <- rotateAboutZ(adv, 125)
plot(advRotated, which="uv")
mtext("adv rotated 125 deg", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
plot(cm, which="uv")
mtext("cm", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
cmRotated <- rotateAboutZ(cm, 30)
plot(cmRotated, which="uv")
mtext("cm rotated 30 deg", side=3, line=0, adj=1, cex=0.7)
Thanks Dan!
The name makes sense and I appreciate the more general nature of the function. Very helpful!
Done in "develop" branch, commit aeb9163d1ffc0fd7f4a29b2879156d1dccd013e6
Dear reporter,
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PS. This is a standardized reply.
Short summary of problem
Attempting to use the
function to correct magnetic variation in velocity components on an ADCP timeseries.Details (optional)
seems to reject all objects (tried array, matrix and list of velocity timeseries) except current meters, may be helpful to expand to apply to adp-class objects / arrays or clarify documentation.What you did
What happened
How urgent is this?
Not urgent
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