danmarsden / moodle-mod_dialogue

Dialogue Module for Moodle
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Maria DB returning all user dialogues regardless of the dialogue clicked on. #101

Closed turf212 closed 2 years ago

turf212 commented 2 years ago

When someone goes into the dialogue activity they are presented with every dialogue they have created, even if they are within other courses. The issue stems from the class conversations_by_author where $this->baseql is defined in line setup() function. The SQL comes out looking something like :

SELECT u.id AS userid, dc.subject, dc.dialogueid, dm.conversationid, dm.conversationindex, dm.authorid, dm.body, dm.bodyformat, dm.attachments, dm.state, dm.timemodified, (SELECT COUNT(dm.id) FROM mdl_dialogue_messages dm WHERE dm.conversationid = dc.id AND dm.state IN ('open','closed')) - (SELECT COUNT(df.id) FROM mdl_dialogue_flags df WHERE df.conversationid = dc.id AND df.flag = 'read' AND df.userid = 275) AS unread FROM mdl_user u JOIN mdl_dialogue_participants dp ON dp.userid = u.id JOIN mdl_dialogue_conversations dc ON dc.id = dp.conversationid JOIN mdl_dialogue_messages dm ON (dm.conversationid = dp.conversationid AND u.id = dm.authorid) JOIN (SELECT dm.conversationid, MAX(dm.conversationindex) AS conversationindex FROM mdl_dialogue_messages dm WHERE dm.dialogueid = 2007 AND dm.state = 'open' GROUP BY dm.conversationid) lastmessage ON (dm.conversationid = lastmessage.conversationid AND dm.conversationindex = lastmessage.conversationindex) JOIN (SELECT dp.conversationid FROM mdl_dialogue_participants dp WHERE dp.userid = 275) isparticipant ON isparticipant.conversationid = dc.id

(I've put the variables into the SQL instead of the placeholders from when I was testing - these would obviously be different on your site)

It seems that the join containing dm.dialogueid isn't filtering everything out for me, however if the SQL is changed to: mdl_dialogue_messages dm WHERE dm.conversationid = dc.id AND dm.state IN ('open','closed')) - (SELECT COUNT(df.id) FROM mdl_dialogue_flags df WHERE df.conversationid = dc.id AND df.flag = 'read' AND df.userid = 275) AS unread FROM mdl_user u JOIN mdl_dialogue_participants dp ON dp.userid = u.id JOIN mdl_dialogue_conversations dc ON dc.id = dp.conversationid JOIN mdl_dialogue_messages dm ON (dm.conversationid = dp.conversationid AND u.id = dm.authorid) JOIN (SELECT dm.conversationid, MAX(dm.conversationindex) AS conversationindex FROM mdl_dialogue_messages dm WHERE dm.dialogueid = 2007 AND dm.state = 'open' GROUP BY dm.conversationid) lastmessage ON (dm.conversationid = lastmessage.conversationid AND dm.conversationindex = lastmessage.conversationindex) JOIN (SELECT dp.conversationid FROM mdl_dialogue_participants dp WHERE dp.userid = 275) isparticipant ON isparticipant.conversationid = dc.id WHERE dm.dialogueid = 2007

to make it more explicit - it works.

The patch I added to the code is in classes/conversations_by_author.php where I added in the following before the $this->fields definition in the setup() function:

        // Fix for returning everything.
        $this->params['thisdialogueid'] = $this->dialogue->activityrecord->id;
        $this->basesql .= " WHERE dm.dialogueid = :thisdialogueid ";

        $this->fields = array('userid' => 'u.id AS userid',
                              'subject' => 'dc.subject',
                              'dialogueid' => 'dc.dialogueid',
                              'conversationid' => 'dm.conversationid',

FYI this is happening on both 3,9 latest version and the 3.11 latest version - with the only common variable being the database behind it.

Many thanks

Derick *edited as code wasn't being displayed properly.

turf212 commented 2 years ago

looks like this is a duplicate of #91 - closing this one as all of the discussions are already there.

danmarsden commented 2 years ago

thanks @turf212 - feel free to submit a pull request with the fix!