Open ghost opened 10 years ago
Good call that we can streamline some of this. I agree that "Always ask" should be a radio button. That seems more clear.
"Always ask" without a "notification reminder" is the same as disabling Perspectives altogether.
We had a specific request to be able to make Perspectives not send queries unless manually told to yet not show a notification reminder. Having both set doesn't really disable Perspectives; it just means Perspectives remains available in the background, ready to do work, without explicitly bothering you.
How about this?
Contact Notaries...
( ) for all HTTPS sites.
( ) only on certificate security errors
( ) only when I force a notary check
[ ] display a notification reminder
[ ] Allow contacting notaries when in private browsing mode.
You're right. I will redesign it this way.
Release v4.6 has the first part of this: the interface now looks like this
Contact Notaries...
( ) for all HTTPS sites.
( ) only on certificate security errors
[ ] only when I force a notary check
[ ] display a notification reminder
[ ] Allow contacting notaries when in private browsing mode.
Now we just need to convert the "only when I force" checkbox into the radio group, and remove the extra text from the strings.
I think the current design for preferences is confusing:
"Always ask" disables the first two options so it should actually be a third radio button. "Always ask" without a "notification reminder" is the same as disabling Perspectives altogether. In case the certificate successfully validated the "notification reminder" could also apply for the second option if the user wants to be reminded about cross-checking valid certificates with Perspectives. "Private browsing" only applies for the first two options (manual force checking is equal to giving permission).
Redesign: Add an option in the statusbar menu to disable Perspectives completely (most extensions provide this option) which greys out the neutral state P-icon. Reminding about Perspectives for valid certificates is an unlikely case therefore don't care about it. The preferences therefore could look like this:
The third option greys out "private browsing mode".