A 'super app' engine for your project. React Native (iOS, Android) and React.js (Web, desktop). Social Sign In 🄵, Messaging 💬 (chat, voice, push notifications), Web3 Wallet 🪪 (profile QR, documents, coins, NFT), DLT 🔐 (provenance, crypto signing), Gamification 🤩, Social Commerce and more.
For 'private' chat rooms, we need an API route that allows 3rd party developers to add/remove Users as members into/from chat room. This is to support "Use Case 3".
Please implement Phase 1 version as described below. Phase 2 is provided for future advanced version reference.
Phase 1 (current)
chatJid - you need to specify either JID (Ethora ID for Chats) or UUID (your ID for chat related entity) for Ethora to know which Chat room to work with
chatUuid - you need to specify either JID (Ethora ID for Chats) or UUID (your ID for chat related entity) for Ethora to know which Chat room to work with
userUuid - you need to specify either JID (Ethora ID for users) or UUID (your ID for users) for Ethora to know which User to work with
userJid - you need to specify either JID (Ethora ID for users) or UUID (your ID for users) for Ethora to know which User to work with
@transkarpation if possible, would be good if multiple Users can be added via one API call (coma separated?).
I assume that for removing Users as members from Chat room, we need a similar set up as for creating them.
Phase 2 (for discussion, no need to implement now)
In future version of this API, I propose to have advanced access settings so that different User access privileges for a Chat can be managed, and also temporary access changes (such as a temporary ban) can be also applied.
Proposed approach is below but this is to be discussed when we get to this implementation.
accessCode - specify access code to set for User for this Chat
0000 - no access (user is banned or removed)
xxx1 - read-only access
xx1x - write access
x1xx - admin / moderator access
1xxx - owner access
accessTimer - if access setting is temporary (such as a temporary ban), specify time in seconds here for this setting to expire
For 'private' chat rooms, we need an API route that allows 3rd party developers to add/remove Users as members into/from chat room. This is to support "Use Case 3".
Please implement Phase 1 version as described below. Phase 2 is provided for future advanced version reference.
Phase 1 (current)
@transkarpation if possible, would be good if multiple Users can be added via one API call (coma separated?).
DELETE (?) I assume that for removing Users as members from Chat room, we need a similar set up as for creating them.
Phase 2 (for discussion, no need to implement now)
In future version of this API, I propose to have advanced access settings so that different User access privileges for a Chat can be managed, and also temporary access changes (such as a temporary ban) can be also applied.
Proposed approach is below but this is to be discussed when we get to this implementation.
accessCode - specify access code to set for User for this Chat
accessTimer - if access setting is temporary (such as a temporary ban), specify time in seconds here for this setting to expire
More details in forum here: https://forum.ethora.com/topic/22-integrating-ethora-chat-component-users-system-with-your-existing-legacy-system/
This is to support Use Case N3 as described here: https://forum.ethora.com/topic/21-chat-component-use-cases-for-users-authentication/