Open tiltX opened 4 years ago
Hi, I like that idea, I definitely want A/B comparison and multi-track compositing at some point but this seems like a good interim solution. The naming is a bit tricky but I guess that could be solved with some regular expressions and reasonable defaults like your examples. Also some settings for how may folders to search.
For reviewing stuff, it's always great to compare different versions of a shot or render. It would be cool if DJV had a feature/hotkey to swap the current clip with another "version".
Now, this wish could open a can of worms because why stop at just switching versions. Why not do an A/B compare with all bells and whistles (like RV) multi-track compositing (like pdplayer) and so on...
But for my daily use it would be enough to jump up and down a version, maybe using an overlay like the layer widget to directly select the version of the clip that is shown (The Foundry's Hiero player for example allows you to press "V" to pop up a list of alternative versions including their thumbnails).
There are probably just a hand full of common file naming conventions that people are using for different versions with "something_v01.#####.dpx" for sequences and "" for quicktime movies probably being the most common ones. Most of the time I guess image sequences are stored in separate folders next to each other and the version number string (v01 or v001) is contained in each folder's name.