dariusk / NaNoGenMo-2014

National Novel Generation Month, 2014 edition.
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collective consciousness fiction generator #83

Open rossgoodwin opened 9 years ago

rossgoodwin commented 9 years ago

My name is Ross, and I'm a Natural Language Generation warrior intending to participate in this year's NaNoGenMo. I look forward to sharing my opus. Check out my Github page to see the type of Natural Language Generation projects I've been working on lately.

rossgoodwin commented 9 years ago

For (at least part of) my generative novel, I will be scraping content from tvtropes.org. Here's a repository with my progress thus far: https://github.com/rossgoodwin/plotgen

rossgoodwin commented 9 years ago



cpressey commented 9 years ago

Hi Ross, my name is Chris and I'm an Unnatural Programming Language designer. Pleased to make your acquiantance.

I mentioned TVTropes as a potential resource last year but noted the difficulty of using it in an automated way. Kudos for finding a way to extract some information from it sensibly. (Well, "sensibly", you know what I mean.)

enkiv2 commented 9 years ago

This is really neat!

On Tue Nov 11 2014 at 1:31:27 AM Ross Goodwin notifications@github.com wrote:



— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/dariusk/NaNoGenMo-2014/issues/83#issuecomment-62507874 .

dariusk commented 9 years ago

Labeling this "preview" unless there's a completed novel I missed somewhere...

rossgoodwin commented 9 years ago

@cpressey Great to meet you as well. The scraping part was a bit challenging—needless to say, I'm thankful for the BeautifulSoup Python library. To organize the articles I used tvtropes.org's existing page hierarchy by scraping entire lists of trope articles all at once into category folders. (See the tropes_character folder in my repo.) I plan on scraping even more articles before I complete my novel.

@enkiv2 Thanks!

@dariusk Thanks! No completed novel yet, but I should have one soon and will post it here.

rossgoodwin commented 9 years ago

I've completed my first draft: http://rossgoodwin.com/RossGoodwin_NaNoGenMo_v1.pdf

Note that I added erowid.org trip reports into the mix.

Word count: 92,010

rossgoodwin commented 9 years ago

And here's a whole folder of second drafts: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4ahP1irmkVGNndvMGs0cVR2ekE&usp=sharing

rossgoodwin commented 9 years ago

Fiction Generator is now online! http://www.fictiongenerator.com