darksidelemm / RS41HUP

RS41HUP - Firmware for Vaisala's RS41 for Amateur Radio use
GNU General Public License v2.0
21 stars 9 forks source link

RS41HUP (Ham Use Project) - Project Horus Fork

Firmware for RS41 for HAM use.

IMPORTANT - I no longer maintain this repository. Please use RS41ng or RS41HUP_V2 instead. I will also no longer be assigning Horus Binary v1 Payload IDs, please use the Horus Binary v2 mode instead.

It is possible to recycle RS41-SGP sondes for amateur radio use without any electrical changes! You just have to build a new firmware (this one) and apply it via a cheap programmer, the "ST-Linkv2" (or alternatives). The modified sonde can now transmit on a user-defined frequency in the 70cm band, with Habhub-compatible RTTY and (better performing) 4FSK telemetry!

Released under GPL v2.

Check out Mikael's RS41ng repository for a much cleaner and well maintained RS41 firmware that supports the Horus 4FSK mode!

Original Repository: https://github.com/Qyon/STM32_RTTY, though this fork is based on DF8OE's version.

Modifications by Mark Jessop vk5qi@rfhead.net include:


Linux / OSX:


(Note, is likely broken - currently targeting Linux / OSX builds)

Use: https://www.wyzbee.com/download/Utilities/Software/CoIDE-1.7.8.exe

And: https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/5.0/5-2016-q3-update/+download/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q3-20160926-win32.exe



Refer to this file for programming header pinouts.


Configuration settings are located in config.h. Modify as appropriate before compiling/programming.
