dart-archive / polymer-dart

Polymer support for Dart
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Polymer 1.0 - iron-list - for structured item in list, selectedItem not full valid dart Object #633

Open jonboj opened 8 years ago

jonboj commented 8 years ago

In iron-list selectedItem works ok for e.g. String, but for structured datatypes get to member data fails. Stackoverflow discussion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33448961/polymer-1-0-iron-list-selection The html and dart snippets are inserted below. When a selection is done following is obtained:

>Contains : false
>Uncaught Unhandled exception:
>NoSuchMethodError: method not found: 'shorttext'
>Receiver: Instance of 'JsObjectImpl' 

With convertToDart(e.selectedItem); the object becomes valid. The Observe argument newValue is valid and no conversion needed.


<dom-module id="list-demo">


    <iron-list id="id_list" items="{{listitem}}" as="item" selection-enabled  




class ItemText extends JsProxy {

  String shorttext;

const String text = 'Some text for the long run';

/// Uses [PaperInput]
class ListDemo extends PolymerElement {

  List<ItemText> listitem;

  String selectedLocalItem;

  int nrelements = 10;

  // Constructor used to create instance of MainApp.
  ListDemo.created() : super.created(){
    List<ItemText> l = [];

    for (int i = 0; i < nrelements; ++i){
      l.add(new ItemText('Name ' + i.toString()));

    listitem = l;
    print('created : ${$['id_list'].selectionEnabled}');
    this.notifyPath('listitem', listitem);

  void selectedItemChanged(ItemText newValue) {

    IronList e = $['id_list'];
    Object objText = e.selectedItem;
    if (objText != null){
      print('Contains : ${listitem.contains(objText)}');
      print('The short text : ${objText.shorttext}');

    if (newValue != null){
      print('Contains : ${listitem.contains(newValue)}');
      print('The short text : ${newValue.shorttext}');


From pubspec.yaml

  sdk: '>=1.9.0 <2.0.0'

  browser: ^0.10.0
  polymer_elements: ^1.0.0-rc.3
  polymer: ^1.0.0-rc.5
  reflectable: ^0.3.3
  web_components: '>=0.11.3 <0.13.0'
  polymer_interop: ^1.0.0-rc.4