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SecurityContext (HttpServer.bindSecure) with multiple hosts. #36933

Open isoos opened 5 years ago

isoos commented 5 years ago

I couldn't find any example, test or documentation on how to create a https server with multiple hostnames (separate certificates for each hosts). Is is supported?

mit-mit commented 5 years ago

cc @jonasfj @sortie

jonasfj commented 5 years ago

Maybe if you concatenate the certificates.... You can certainly do multiple hostnames in a single certificate. Regardless, I think this is a pretty advanced feature.

But really, I would recommend terminating TLS before you hit your Dart server.

gmpassos commented 2 years ago

Any example in how to do build a SecurityContext with multiple domains?

Or how to concatenate the certificates? I tried some variations here, but I can't make it work.

isoos commented 2 years ago

Also, relevant and useful package on pub.dev, with @gmpassos as the author, which could really use this multi-host binding: https://pub.dev/packages/shelf_letsencrypt

gmpassos commented 2 years ago

To generate a PKCS12 with multiple domains certificates generated with the same key pair (same private key) and with the password xyz:

openssl pkcs12 -export \
-inkey /path/to/privkey.pem \
-in /path/to/domain1.com/fullchain.pem -name domain1.com \
-certfile /path/to/domain2.com/fullchain.pem -name domain2.com \
-out /path/to/keystore-multi.pfx -passout pass:xyz

To generate aPKCS12 with multiple domains certificates WITHOUT add a private key and with the password xyz:

openssl pkcs12 -export \
-nokeys \
-in /path/to/domain1.com/fullchain.pem -name domain1.com \
-certfile /path/to/domain2.com/fullchain.pem -name domain2.com  \
-out /path/to/keystore-multi.pfx -passout pass:xyz

The Dart code to load this:

var password = 'xyz';
var fullchainFile = '/path/to/keystore-multi.pfx';
var privateKeyFile = '/path/to/privkey.pem';

var sc = SecurityContext()
  ..useCertificateChain(fullchainFile, password: password)
  ..usePrivateKey(privateKeyFile, password: password);

Note that if you use a private key that won't match the certificates you will get an exception while loading the them.

The only way that I was able to load multiple certificates was using multiple domains certificates generated with the same private key (yes this is allowed).

But this is still not enough, since the SecurityContext will always respond with the 1st domain in the PKCS12 file! So the HTTPS request will work only for the 1st domain in the PKCS12 file.

It seems that the Dart implementation is not looking for the correct certificate subject (subject=CN = domainX.com).

gmpassos commented 2 years ago



gmpassos commented 2 years ago



gmpassos commented 2 years ago

@mit-mit @kevmoo We need a task force for this issue. This is very important.

kevmoo commented 2 years ago

FYI @brianquinlan

gmpassos commented 2 years ago

Any update on the issue?

kevmoo commented 2 years ago

@brianquinlan ?

gmpassos commented 2 years ago

How can I help to push this issue?

gmpassos commented 2 years ago

Hi, any improvement?

It's all about the selection of the correct certificate (server side) for the requested URL/domain.

gmpassos commented 2 years ago


gmpassos commented 2 years ago

How can I help to push this issue?

marcobraghim commented 1 year ago

Up. Please, this is extremely important!!

Martoxdlol commented 10 months ago

I'm interested in this too

gmpassos commented 2 days ago

FYI: @kevmoo @brianquinlan

I’ve published a pure Dart solution for this issue:


Additionally, there’s an example demonstrating its use with shelf:


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

isoos commented 2 days ago

@gmpassos Thank you, this looks interesting and useful! I shall try it out in the coming weeks.