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[vm/ffi] Array should expose an iterable #45508

Open dcharkes opened 3 years ago

dcharkes commented 3 years ago

Pointers expose asTypedList which yields a TypedData which can be iterated over. Arrays do not.

We should either create an Array.asTypedList set of extensions, or provide another way to iterate over an Array's content. (Bonus: Arrays already carry a lenght, so .asTypedList() does not require a length argument.)

@timsneath thanks for reporting!

Sunbreak commented 2 years ago

Any plan?

maks commented 2 years ago

@dcharkes in the meantime is there any chance to document somewhere how to deal with ffi Arrays in structs. Maybe in the existing samples?

If it wasn't for my happening to find this comment (thank you @Sunbreak !!! 🙏🏻 ) I would have had no idea how to deal with getting a string out of a inline Array in a C struct I'm working with - the Dart docs for ffi Array are not really helpful at the moment.

lrhn commented 2 years ago

Consider exposing it as a (fixed-length) List, maybe List<X> get elements;. (I'm assuming it has to be an extension getter, so the Dart type X can depend on the native array element type.)

Sunbreak commented 2 years ago

Here is the use case


class TW_IMAGEINFO extends ffi.Struct {
  external ffi.Array<TW_INT16> BitsPerSample;


extension TWImageInfo on TW_IMAGEINFO {
  Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
      'BitsPerSample': spreadBitsPerSample(),

  Iterable<int> spreadBitsPerSample() sync* {
    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      yield BitsPerSample[i];

With List<X> get elements it would be

extension TWImageInfo on TW_IMAGEINFO {
  Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
      'BitsPerSample': BitsPerSample.elements,
shikharish commented 9 months ago

@dcharkes I would like to work on this issue. Please can you give me an overview about it?

dcharkes commented 9 months ago

Consider exposing it as a (fixed-length) List, maybe List<X> get elements;. (I'm assuming it has to be an extension getter, so the Dart type X can depend on the native array element type.)

@lrhn Do you suggest List<X> instead of Iterable<X> so that people can query the length and have O(1) random access?

Array's of ints and floats

I think for Array<Int8> (and the other int and floating types) asTypedList is more general, it implements list.

/// Bounds checking indexing methods on [Array]s of [Int8].
extension Int8Array on Array<Int8> {
  external int operator [](int index);

  external void operator []=(int index, int value);

  /// Creates a typed list view backed by memory this Array is a view on.
  /// Uses the array dimensions for determining the list.
  external Int8List get elements;


extension Int8Array on Array<Int8> {
  Int8List get elements {
    final length = _nestedDimensionsFlattened;
    if(_typedDataBase is Pointer) {
      return (_typedDataBase as Pointer).cast<Int8>().asTypedList(length);
    assert(_typedDataBase is TypedData);
    return Int8List.sublistView(_typeDataBase as TypedData, 0, length);

Make sure to write a bunch of tests which exercise things with different base offsets etc. I think you can currently only write tests which use Structs, because that's the only way to obtain Arrays currently.

Arrays of Structs, Unions, Arrays, and Pointers

For Array<MyStruct> we can't use TypedData. So we'd need to return a class that implements List<MyStruct> (and throws on modification).

The API would be somewhat similar:

/// Bounds checking indexing methods on [Array]s of [Struct].
extension StructArray<T extends Struct> on Array<T> {
  /// This extension method must be invoked on a receiver of type `Pointer<T>`
  /// where `T` is a compile-time constant type.
  external T operator [](int index);

  /// Creates a typed list view backed by memory this Array is a view on.
  /// Uses the array dimensions for determining the list.
  external List<T> get elements;

The implementation would need to return object that implements the List interface, but we don't want to actually fabricate the list.

extension StructArray<T extends Struct> on Array<T> {
  external List<T> get elements {
    return _StructArrayList<T>(this);

class _StructArrayList<T extends Struct> with UnmodifiableListMixin {
  final Array<T> _array;

  T operator [](int index) => _array[index];

  // all the other methods that need to be implemented such as 

All of the implementation should be possible in the two files mentioned before.

This is a rough sketch of the implementation, I might have missed some details. 😄 Let me know if you can make it work or if you have more questions.

lrhn commented 9 months ago

\@lrhn Do you suggest List<X> instead of Iterable<X> so that people can query the length and have O(1) random access?

Yes. Because we can, and if we don't, we can expect users to do .toList() on the iterable all the time. Which is exactly what we don't want.

shikharish commented 9 months ago

@dcharkes Thank you for the detailed explanation. Will make a PR soon.

I had a question, which is a bit off-topic. Is there something like "array to pointer decay" in Dart? How are arrays passed as parameters?

dcharkes commented 9 months ago

I had a question, which is a bit off-topic. Is there something like "array to pointer decay" in Dart? How are arrays passed as parameters?

Array's are currently not passable as parameters. The reason is that arrays can be backed by typed data in the Dart heap. We could consider allowing it for isLeaf: true FFI calls, I've filed https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/54739.

shikharish commented 9 months ago

@dcharkes Can you please explain the implementation of Arrays of Struct, Unions, etc. a bit more? I understand that we cannot use TypedData.

The implementation would need to return object that implements the List interface, but we don't want to actually fabricate the list.

What does this mean?

dcharkes commented 9 months ago

@dcharkes Can you please explain the implementation of Arrays of Struct, Unions, etc. a bit more? I understand that we cannot use TypedData.

The implementation would need to return object that implements the List interface, but we don't want to actually fabricate the list.

What does this mean?

We want to return an object that has the type List<MyStruct>. The object does not have to be a List. It can be a class _StructArrayList<T extends Struct> implements List<T>. Now if we create a class _StructArrayList that claims to implement the public API of List, it must implement all the methods of List. So this is exactly what we do, we implement all the methods of the List class inside _StructArrayList. So we use List as an interface type and return something that implements that interface.

The way that we implement all the methods is that we just forward them to Array. So we make _StructArrayList have a single field, and that field holds an Array.

Does that make sense?

shikharish commented 9 months ago

@dcharkes Yes, got it. But why can't we just create a List object, fill it with the elements of the Array and return that List?

dcharkes commented 9 months ago

@dcharkes Yes, got it. But why can't we just create a List object, fill it with the elements of the Array and return that List?

Imagine you have an array with length 1000000, you convert it to a list, and then access he 200th element and then let the list be garbage collected. This would take O(length-of-list) time. If you construct only a wrapper object, it would take O(1) time.

shikharish commented 9 months ago

@dcharkes Why is there no BoolList? image

dcharkes commented 9 months ago

@dcharkes Why is there no BoolList?

@lrhn might know the answer to that.

lrhn commented 9 months ago

JavaScript had no BoolArray. Nothing deeper.

It's something one can easily write on top of any typed data list, but it's also not needed that often, and usually only as an internal implementation detail, so most people will just implement the functionality directly on top of a Uint8List. No reusable code needed.

shikharish commented 9 months ago

BoolArray is defined in ffi.dart but there is no List implementation. Why would that be?

dcharkes commented 9 months ago

If you want to support Array<Bool> to have a List<Bool> get elements, you can do it the same way as for Array<Struct> and forward the calls to a Uint8List (or just to Array<Bool> itself).