darthcloud / BlueRetro

Multiplayer Bluetooth controllers adapter for retro video game consoles
Apache License 2.0
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Some games don't recognize the virtual VMU #1001

Open gorgyrip opened 1 month ago

gorgyrip commented 1 month ago

BlueRetro firmware version


BlueRetro firmware specification


BlueRetro firmware variant

System specific

BlueRetro hardware type

Internal install DIY



System used

SEGA Dreamcast

Bluetooth controller brand & name

PS4 controller v2

What is problem? (only list ONE problem per report)

Some games like Carrier and Resident Evil 2 don't recognize the virtual VMU. It works for other games and I can also see the saves in the console menu.

What did you expect to happen?

I was hopping to fix this issue/

Attach files like logs or Bluetooth traces here


darkymtp commented 1 week ago


Same here..