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Longer term planning! #251

Open martindurant opened 2 years ago

martindurant commented 2 years ago

There have been some conversations going on around how to improve communication among the dev team, to be able to prioritize work and actually plan for and execute larger plans. The idea is to reduce friction, and ideally we get consensus on a few action items, to move dask forward

Some suggestions of things that might help. This list will be expanded as thoughts come in.

Some examples for discussion follow. How might the ideas above have helped or yet help these situations? These all have long conversations in issues that could be linked.

@dask/maintenance , all encourages to have a say. Time is also set aside at the end of this week's community call.

hayesgb commented 2 years ago

Thanks for posting this @martindurant !

I like the idea of starting with a project roadmap, and then having that flow down into organized projects as boards on GH. Giving better visibility into the direction of dask, timing for new features, would (I think) improve adoption. It also wouldn't hurt to provide better clarity on how new users (or organizations) can make proposals for changes and/or new capabilities -- this would likely fall under the heading of Improvement Proposals.

MrPowers commented 2 years ago

I think the Spark project improvement proposals (SPIP) process works well. It's a great way to give a contributor a signal if a big individual undertaking is worth the effort.

I'd like to make a detailed dask-iceberg proposal and get feedback from the Dask community before doing a ton of development work. Perhaps I can make a "Dask project improvement proposal" via an issue in dask/dask to trial that process? Thoughts @martindurant?

jcrist commented 2 years ago

I'd like to make a detailed dask-iceberg proposal and get feedback from the Dask community before doing a ton of development work. Perhaps I can make a "Dask project improvement proposal" via an issue in dask/dask to trial that process?

Note there was an earlier attempt at a repo for large project design docs earlier (https://github.com/dask/design-docs), which may overlap a bit with this.

hayesgb commented 2 years ago

One action item from the June 2022 Dask Developers meeting was to form a subgroup tasked with identifying proposals to improve product/project management for the Dask organization, where appropriate. This group is comprised of leaders of technical teams within organizations committed to the development of Dask, who can also commit resources to larger efforts. This team met on June 7, 2022 to discuss areas of interest, align on intended outcomes, and identify next steps.


Some current areas of interest that were discussed included:

There are instances where multiple organizations have a shared interest in improving Dask's performance. These shared interests represent potential points for collaboration, which could be improved by more rigorous project/product management practices. In cases where efforts are small, or resources for the work reside within a single organization, the added complexity likely does not provide incremental value.

Product Roadmaps

The group discussed ways to leverage learnings from the Python community, including product roadmaps like those of Xarray and NumPy. The consensus was that these roadmaps are formatted at a suitable level of abstraction, and creating such a roadmap for Dask is something that should be evaluated.

Project Boards / Design Documents

There is agreement that the added rigor of design documents and project boards would improve visibility into technical deliverables, timelines, and commitments, but acknowledgement that the rigor comes with flexibility tradeoffs. The group discussed a range of options from simple design documents with a required technical review by stakeholders that could be archived as part of larger project boards to formal Enhancement Proposals similar to NEPs.

There is consensus that projects involving resources spanning multiple organizations would benefit from a shared project board, assuming a resource has responsibility to maintain the board. Assuming it were properly maintained, there is an interest in testing this approach using either dask-awkward or HighLevelGraphs.

hayesgb commented 2 years ago

There are number of concurrent discussions underway on this topic. The initial proposal would be to:

  1. Create a shared epic-level project board for the Dask org.
  2. Add a new meeting to the Dask org for team leaders to discuss priorities.

The intent would be to enable an ongoing conversation about priorities for all teams engaged in Dask development.

martindurant commented 2 years ago

I did create one project, as promised: https://github.com/orgs/dask/projects/3 . Not been noticed so far.

jakirkham commented 2 years ago

Actually did look at that project (after it was posted in the Plasma PR) 🙂

jacobtomlinson commented 2 years ago

@hayesgb I think it would also help to have a design doc (is work spans multiple repos) or high-level issue (if work is contained to a single repo) to capture the work.