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Dat logo looks similar to Node.js #79

Open styfle opened 6 years ago

styfle commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure if this was intentional, but the Dat logo looks very similar to the Node.js logo.



Can you tell which one is which?

bcomnes commented 6 years ago

The dat logo came before the new node logo. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

styfle commented 6 years ago

What year did Dat come out? I always remember Node's logo being a green hexagon back to the 0.6.x days (around 2012).


Update...looks like 2011: https://nodejs.org/en/blog/uncategorized/evolving-the-node-js-brand/

bcomnes commented 6 years ago


There indeed was a green hex in the logo, but it wasn't used without the rest of the letters. The hex around the js (including the ™) was the only portion of the logo that was used as a standalone hex.

Dat started around 2012 iirc? The shaded green standalone node hex wasn't in use until recently, around the time of the logo redesign a year or two ago.

bcomnes commented 6 years ago

See http://hexb.in/ for more hex logos.

styfle commented 6 years ago

I noticed this again on @juliangruber 's profile.


This time, the Dat Project has text in the logo so it looks a little different than the Node.js logo.

I think part of what adds to the confusion is that there are a lot of Dat tools developed with Node.js, for example dat-desktop which is what @juliangruber seems to be working on (care to comment?)

joehand commented 6 years ago

There are two logos, the one with text should generally be used when its a larger display otherwise without text when it's not readable. More on the design page: https://datproject.github.io/design/.

We can explore adding some word/mark to the smaller green one. But likely won't happen for a bit until we have a bit more bandwidth. Thanks for bringing it up.